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Diabetes: A True Life Story of How to Cope & Thrive

Diabetes: A True Life Story of How to Cope & Thrive

176,34 zł
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This book is written to educate people who have developed diabetes, who have concern that they may develop diabetes because of family history of diabetes, and those who are curious to know about diabetes. Diabetes is so prevalent that it has become a universal topic for gossip, super-ceding the gossip for heart disease or cancer. Diabetes is a disease associated with abnormally high sugar in the blood. By definition, high sugar in the blood is due to lack of a hormone called insulin produced from pancreas. Some are born with low insulin level, giving rise to diabetes in childhood; whereas others decrease insulin production over the years and develop overt diabetes. Notwithstanding a variety of insulin preparations, plethora of oral antidiabetic agents, and enormous funding for research, diabetes care is at a stake.
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230.00 x 155.00
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  • Foreword; Fundamentals (A, B, C) of Diabetes Mellitus; Warning Symptoms & Signs of Diabetes; Why is Diabetes So Prevalent?; What does High Sugar Do to Body Function & is Damage Caused by High Sugar Preventable & How?; How to Determine Which Diabetes Therapy is Right for You; Judicious Diet Control is an Integral Part of Diabetes Therapy; How to Bypass Dialysis Therapy & Live a Good & Productive Life; Diabetes & Sexual Life; Frequent Office Visits Are Prelude to Effective Diabetes Care with Complication-free Survival; Index.
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