The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus is increasing. Patients with this disease are prone to devastating complications, many of which can be prevented or reduced by appropriate interventions in primary care. With quality high on the governments agenda and the current staged publication of a National Service Framework (NSF) for diabetes, primary health care teams will be expected to playing a leading role in the delivery of high quality care; particularly as secondary care will not be able to cope with this workload. Improved quality of care should be attainable in diabetes, based upon implementing agreed and justified protocols in combination with audit to evaluate performance and guide future changes.
This title will provide primary health care teams with relevant and up-to-date guidance on how to improve the care that they provide to their patients with diabetes. This encompasses both clinical and organisational information, and includes the NSFs standards, and guidance provided by National Institute of Clinical Excellence (NICE).
The author of this title works full-time in primary care, as part of team that delivers diabetic care, and therefore understands and has addressed the particular needs of all the members of the team, based upon his own experiences.
Introduction: Why Look After Type 2 Diabetes In Primary Care? General Points National Service Framework for Diabetes Standards and Where They are Discussed in This Book
Chapter One: What is Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus? Definition of Diabetes Mellitus Classification of Diabetes Mellitus The Disease Processes of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Criteria and Methods for the Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus
Chapter Two: The Impact of Type 2 Diabetes Epidemiology of Type 2 Diabetes Diabetic Control, Mortality and Complications The Financial Impact of Type 2 Diabetes Prevention of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Chapter Three: Should We Be Screening For Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus? General Points and Definitions How Strong Is The Case For Screening For Type 2 Diabetes? Practical Issues in Screening for Type 2 Diabetes
Chapter Four: Organising the Delivery of Optimal Care Aims and Values Components of Optimal Organisation within Primary Care Administration Delivering High Quality Care to Elderly Type 2 Diabetics
Chapter Five: The Newly Diagnosed Patient Essential Questions at the Initial Evaluation Early Assessment and Management
Chapter Six: The Treatment of Blood Glucose in Type 2 Diabetes Aiming For Optimal Control Self Monitoring Diet or Medical Nutritional Therapy (MNT) Oral Drug Therapy Insulin Special Circumstances
Chapter Seven: The Periodic Review General Considerations What Needs To Be Checked In All Type 2 Patients at the Full Periodic Review What Needs To Be Checked In Some Type 2 Patients at the Periodic Review
Chapter Eight: Cardiovascular Disease Risk and Type 2 Diabetes Scale of the Problem Evaluating Risk Interventions to Reduce Cardiovascular Risk
Chapter Ten: Special Problems and Circumstances Psychological Health in Patients with Diabetes Driving Travel
Chapter Eleven: Patient Education and Lifestyle Modification General Principles Diet and Alcohol Consumption Advice on Foot Care Exercise
Chapter Twelve: Measuring Performance: Audit What Is Audit? Using Audit to Improve Diabetic Care Practical Considerations in Carrying Out an Audit of Diabetic Care
Chapter Thirteen: Evidence-Based Diabetic Care Why Evidenced-Based Care? Other Resources
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