This will be an invaluable guide to those entering the specialist field of dermatology, and will act as a source of reference for those already practising within it. The book starts with an introductory section, in which many of the common symptoms of skin problems are described including the structure of normal skin. Part 2 looksat the clinical conditions, each chapter following a defined template. The closing section discusses the future of dermatology nursing, in particular the opportunities offered by nurse practitioners and liaison roles. Fully illustrated throughout with 4 colour illustrations this is the essential text for any nurse involved within dermatology care.
1 Skin: Its structure, function and related pathology. 2 Assessment of the dermatology patient. 3 Part 1 Treatment issues relating to dermatology. Part 2 Systemic therapy. 4 Phototherapy. 5 Dermatological surgery and cryosurgery. 6 Psychosocial issues in dermatology. 7 Age-specific issues in dermatology. 8 Care of the acutely ill dermatology patient. 9 Psoriasis. 10 Eczema. 11 Acne and Rosacea. 12 Skin cancer. 13 Infections and infestations. 14 Epidermolysis bullosa and bullous 15 Other common skin conditions. 16 Dermatology Nursing.
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