Todays dental curriculum has moved away from dividing subjects into separate blocks the emphasis now is on students understanding the interrelation between the anatomy, physiology and biochemistry of the oral facial complex. Oral Bioscienceis a textbook of oral biology for dental students that matches this need, covering the biochemistry, physiology and molecular biology of the mouth.
SECTION I: ORAL HARD AND SOFT TISSUES. Calcium and Phosphorus Metabolism. Calcified Tissues. Calcification. Dental Pulp. Periodontal Ligament. SECTION II: ORAL FLUIDS, DEPOSITS AND NUTRIENTS. The Salivary Glands and Their Secretions. Gingival Crevicular Fluid. Deposits on the Teeth Surface. Nutrition. Fluoride. SECTION III: ORAL SENSATION AND ACTIVITY AGEING. Oral Sensation. Mastication and Deglution. Speech. The Ageing Mouth.
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