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Student Workbook to Accompany Torres and Ehrlich Modern Dental Assisting
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This Workbook compliments Torres and Ehrlich Modern Dental Assisting, 8th Edition - a popular text that has been updated with the latest developments in the field. This resource offers you the best practice available in workbook form for mastering vital dental assisting skills. It reviews the full range of tasks required today - from basic to advanced functions - plus anatomy, physiology, oral embryology, histology, and other essential areas of knowledge.
Szczegóły produktu
- Rok wydania
- 2005
- Numer wydania
- 8
- Oprawa
- miękka foliowana
- Liczba stron
- 560
- Wymiary (mm)
- 216 x 276
- Waga (g)
- 1185
Chapter 1: History of Dentistry
Chapter 2: The Professional Dental Assistant
Chapter 3: The Dental Healthcare Team
Chapter 4: Dental Ethics
Chapter 5: Dentistry and the Law
Competency 5-1: Correcting a Chart Entry
Chapter 6: General Anatomy
Chapter 7: General Physiology
Chapter 8: Oral Embryology and Histology
Chapter 9: Head and Neck Anatomy
Chapter 10: Landmarks of the Face and Oral Cavity
Chapter 11: Overview of the Dentitions
Chapter 12: Tooth Morphology
Chapter 13: Dental Caries
Competency 13-1: Performing Caries Risk Assessment
Chapter 14: Periodontal Disease
Chapter 15: Preventive Dentistry
Competency 15-1: Applying Topical Flouride Gel or Foam
Competency 15-2: Assisting the Patient with Dental Floss
Chapter 16: Nutrition
Chapter 17: Oral Pathology
Chapter 18: Microbiology
Chapter 19: Disease Transmission and Infection Control
Competency 19-1: First Aid after an Exposure Incident
Competency 19-2: Handwashing before Gloving
Competency 19-3: Applying Alcohol Based Handrubs
Competency 19-4: Putting on Personal Protective Equipment
Competency 19-5: Removing Personal Protective Equipment
Competency 19-6: Disinfecting an Alginate Impression
Chapter 20: Principles and Techniques of Disinfection
Competency 20-1: Placing and Removing Surface Barriers
Competency 20-2: Performing Treatment Room Cleaning and Disinfection
Chapter 21: Principles and Techniques of Sterilization
Competency 21-1: Operating the Ultrasonic Cleaner
Competency 21-2: Performing Biologic Monitoring
Competency 21-3: Autoclaving Instruments
Competency 21-4: Sterilizing Instruments with Chemical Vapor
Competency 21-5: Sterilizing Instruments with Dry Heat
Competency 21-6: Sterilizing Instruments with Chemical Liquid
Competency 21-7: Sterilizing the Dental Handpiece
Chapter 22: Regulatory and Advisory Agencies
Chapter 23: Chemical and Waste Management
Competency 23-1: Creating Appropriate Label for Secondary Container
Chapter 24: Dental Unit Waterlines
Competency 24-1: Testing Dental Unit Waterlines
Chapter 25: Ergonomics
Chapter 26: The Patient Record
Competency 26-1: Registering a New Patient
Competency 26-2: Obtaining a Medical and Dental History
Chapter 27: Vital Signs
Competency 27-2: Taking an Oral Temperature Reading with a Digital Thermometer
Competency 27-2: Taking a Patients Pulse
Competency 27-3: Taking a Patients Respiration
Competency 27-4: Taking a Patients Blood Pressure
Chapter 28: Oral Diagnosis and Treatment Planning
Competency 28-1: The Soft Tissue Examination
Competency 28-2: Charting of Teeth
Competency 28-3: Periodontal Screening: Examination of the Gingival Tissues
Competency 28-4: Recording the Completed Dental Treatment
Chapter 29: The Medically and Physically Compromised Patient
Competency 29-1: Transferring the Patient from a Wheelchair
Chapter 30: Principles of Pharmacology
Chapter 31: Assisting in a Medical Emergency
Competency 31-1: Performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
Competency 31-2: Responding to a Patient with an Obstructed Airway
Competency 31-3: Preparing the Oxygen System
Competency 31-4: Operating the Automated External Defibrillator
Competency 31-5: Responding to an Unconscious Patient
Competency 31-6: Responding to a Patient with Chest Pain
Competency 31-7: Responding to a Patient Experiencing a Stroke (CVA)
Competency 31-8: Responding to a Patient with a Breathing Problem
Competency 31-9: Responding to a Patient Experiencing an Allergic Reaction
Competency 31-10: Responding to a Patient Experiencing a Convulsive Seizure
Competency 31-11: Responding to a Patient Experiencing an Diabetic Emergency
Chapter 32: The Dental Office
Competency 32-1:Performing the Morning Routine (Opening the Office)
Competency 32-2: Performing the Evening Routine (Closing the Office)
Chapter 33: Delivering Dental Care
Competency 33-1: Admitting and Seating a Patient
Competencies 33-2 and 33-3: Transferring Instruments Using Single-Handed Technique and Two-Handed Technique
Competency 33-4: Using the Dental Mirror Intraorally
Competency 33-5: Using an Instrument Intraorally
Chapter 34: Dental Hand Instruments
Competencies 34-1 through 34-4: Identification of Dental Instruments for a Restorative Procedure
Chapter 35: Dental Handpieces and Accessories
Competencies 35-1 and 35-2: Identifying and Attaching Handpieces and Rotary Instruments
Chapter 36: Moisture Control
Competency 36-1: Positioning the High-Volume Evacuator During a Procedure
Competency 36-2: Performing a Mouth Rinse
Competency 36-3: Placing and Removing Cotton Rolls
Competency 36-4: Preparing, Placing, and Removing the Dental Dam
(Expanded Function)
Chapter 37: Anesthesia and Pain Control
Competency 37-1: Applying Topical Anesthetic
Competencies 37-2 and 37-3: Assisting in the Assembly and Administration of Local Anesthesia
Competency 37-4: Assisting in the Administration and Monitoring of Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen (N2O/O2) Sedation (Expanded Function)
Chapter 38: Foundations of Radiography, Radiographic Equipment, and Radiologic Safety
Chapter 39: Dental Film and Processing Radiograph
Competency 39-1: Duplicating Dental Radiographs
Competency 39-2: Processing Dental Radiographs Manually
Competency 39-3: Processing Dental Radiographs in an Automatic Film Processor
Chapter 40: Legal Issues, Quality Assurance, and Infection Control
Competency 40-1: Practicing Infection Control During Film Exposure
Competency 40-2: Practicing Infection Control in the Darkroom
Competency 40-3: Practicing Infection Control Using the Daylight Loader
Chapter 41: Intraoral Radiography
Competency 41-1: Preparing the Patient for Dental X-Rays
Competency 41-2: Assembling the XCP (Extension-Cone Paralleling) Instruments
Competency 41-3: Producing Full-Mouth Radiographic Survey Using Paralleling Technique
Competency 41-4: Producing Full-Mouth Radiographic Survey Using Bisecting Technique
Competency 41-5: Producing Four-Film Radiographic Survey Using Bitewing Technique
Competency 41-6: Producing Maxillary and Mandibular Radiographs Using Occlusal Techniques
Competency 41-7: Mounting Dental Radiographs
Chapter 42: Extraoral and Digital Radiography
Competency 42-1: Preparing Equipment for Panoramic Radiography
Competency 42-2: Preparing a Patient for Panoramic Radiography
Competency 42-3: Positioning a Patient for Panoramic Radiography
Chapter 43: Restorative and Esthetic Dental Materials
Competency 43-1: Mixing and Transferring Dental Amalgam
Competency 43-2: Preparing Composite Resin Materials
Competency 43-3: Mixing Intermediate Restorative Materials
Competency 43-4: Mixing Acrylic Resin for Provisional Coverage
Chapter 44: Dental Liners, Bases, and Bonding Systems
Competency 44-1: Applying Calcium Hydroxide (Expanded Function)
Competency 44-2: Applying Dental Varnish (Expanded Function)
Competency 44-3: Applying Dentin Sealer (Expanded Function)
Competencies 44-4 to 44-6: Mixing a Selected Type of Cement for a Base in a Prepared Tooth
Competency 44-7: Applying an Etchant Material (Expanded Function)
Competency 44-8: Applying a Bonding System (Expanded Function)
Chapter 45: Dental Cements
Competency 45-1: Mixing Zinc Oxide-Eugenol (ZOE) for Permanent Cementation
Competency 45-2: Mixing Zinc Oxide-Eugenol ZOE for Temporary Cementation
Competency 45-3: Mixing Zinc Phosphate for Permanent Cementation
Competency 45-4: Mixing Polycarboxylate for Permanent Cementation
Competency 45-5: Mixing Glass Ionomer for Permanent Cementation
Competency 45-6: Mixing Composite Resin for Permanent Cementation
Competency 45-7: Removing Cement from Permanent or Temporary Cementation (Expanded Function)
Chapter 46: Impression Materials
Competency 46-1: Mixing Alginate Impression Material
Competencies 46-2 and 46-3: Taking a Mandibular or Maxillary Preliminary Impression (Expanded Function)
Competency 46-4: Mixing a Two-Paste Final Impression Material
Competency 46-5: Preparing an Automix Final Impression Material
Competency 46-6: Taking Wax-Bite Registration
Competency 46-7: Mixing Polysiloxane Material for a Bite Registration
Competency 46-7: Mixing Zinc Oxide-Eugenol Bite Registration Material
Chapter 47: Laboratory Materials and Procedures
Competency 47-1: Mixing Dental Plaster
Competency 47-2: Pouring Dental Models Using Inverted-Pour Method
Competency 47-3: Trimming and Finishing Dental Models
Competency 47-4: Constructing an Acrylic Resin Custom Tray
Competency 47-5: Creating a Light-Cured Custom Tray
Competency 47-6: Constructing a Vacuum-Formed Tray
Chapter 48: General Dentistry
Competencies 48-1 and 48-2: Assisting in an Amalgam Restoration
Competencies 48-3 and 48-4: Assisting in a Composite Restoration
Competency 48-5: Placing and Carving an Intermediate Restoration (Expanded Function)
Competency 48-6: Assisting in the Placement of a Veneer
Chapter 49: Matrix Systems for Restorative Dentistry
Competency 49-1: Assembling a Matrix Band and Universal Retainer
Competency 49-2: Placing and Removing a Matrix Band and Wedge for a Class II Restoration
Competency 49-3: Placement and Removal of a Plastic Matrix
Chapter 50: Fixed Prosthodontics
Competency 50-1: Placing and Removing Gingival Retraction Cord
Competency 50-2: Assisting in a Crown and Bridge Restoration
Competency 50-3: Assisting in the Delivery and Cementation of a Cast Restoration
Chapter 51: Provisional Coverage
Competencies 51-1 to 51-3: Fabrication and Cementing an Acrylic and Preformed Provisional Crown or Bridge (Expanded Function)
Competency 51-4: Fitting and Cementing a Preformed Polycarbonate Crown (Expanded Function)
Chapter 52: Removable Prosthodontics
Competencies 52-1 to 52-3: Assisting in the Delivery of the Partial and Complete Denture
Chapter 53: Dental Implants
Competency 53-1: Assisting in Endosteal Implant Surgery
Chapter 54: Endodontics
Competency 54-1: Assisting in Electric Pulp Vitality Test
Competency 54-2: Assisting in Root Canal Therapy
Chapter 55: Periodontics
Competency 55-1: Assisting with a Dental Prophylaxis
Competency 55-2: Assisting with Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty
Competency 55-3: Preparing and Placing Noneugenol Periodontal Dressing
Competency 55-4: Removing a Periodontal Dressing
Chapter 56: Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Competency 56-1: Preparing a Sterile Field for Instruments and Supplies
Competency 56-2: Performing a Surgical Scrub
Competency 56-3: Performing a Sterile Gloving
Competencies 56-4 to 56-6: Assisting in a Surgical Extraction
Competency 56-7: Assisting in Suture Placement
Competency 56-8: Performing Suture Removal (Expanded Function)
Competency 56-9: Assisting in the Treatment of Alveolitis
Chapter 57: Pediatric Dentistry
Competency 57-1: Assisting in Pulpotomy of a Primary Tooth
Competency 57-2: Assisting in Placement of a Stainless Steel Crown
Chapter 58: Coronal Polishing
Competency 58-1: Rubber Cup Coronal Polishing
Chapter 59: Dental Sealants
Competency 59-1: Application of Dental Sealants
Chapter 60: Orthodontics
Competencies 60-1 to 60-3: Placing Separators
Competency 60-4: Assisting in the Fitting and Cementation of Orthodontic Bands
Competency 60-5: Assisting in the Direct Bonding of Orthodontic Brackets
Competencies 60-6 to 60-8: Placing and Removing Ligate Wires and Elastomeric Ties
Chapter 61: Communication in the Dental Office
Competency 61-1: Answering the Telephone
Competency 61-2: Composing a Business Letter
Chapter 62: Business Operating Systems
Chapter 63: Financial Management in the Dental Office
Chapter 64: Marketing Your Skills
Competency 64-1: Preparing a Professional Resume
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