Fundamentals of Chiropractic covers basic chiropractic philosophy and history, principles and practice. In addition to covering chiropractic care techniques, this textbook also provides a section on anatomy, biomechanics, and physiology, and a section on spinal analysis and diagnostic procedures. A variety of scientific and philosophical issues within the chiropractic community are addressed in this book so that it can easily be used as a core text for several introductory courses.
Fundamentals of Chiropractic retains nine core chapters from Contemporary Chiropractic (with revision) and includes 24 new chapters, all focusing on grounding the beginning student in the practice of chiropractic. Additionally, chapter authors present material in a textbook type format, clearly defining all terms, explaining and illustrating concepts, providing key terms, and writing review/critical thinking questions. Scope and content is appropriate for and specifically tailored to first and second year chiropractic students taking introductory chiropractic courses, but still appeals to the chiropractic community in general because of its diverse subjects.
Part 1: HISTORY, PHILOSOPHY AND SOCIOLOGY 1. Forerunners of the Chiropractic Adjustment 2. The Chiropractic Paradigm 3. Major Themes in Chiropractic History Part 2: ANATOMY, BIOMECHANICS AND PHYSIOLOGY 4. Spinal Anatomy 5. Spinal Neurology 6. Basic Biomechanics 7. Vertebral Subluxation 8. Neurobiologic Relations and Chiropractic Applications 9. Nociceptors, Pain, and Chiropractic Part 3: SPINAL ANALYSIS AND DIAGNOSTIC PROCEDURES 10. Palpation: The Art of Manual Assessment 11. Introduction to Diagnostic Imaging Part 4: CHIROPRACTIC CARE 12. Chiropractic Manual Procedures 13. Manual Soft Tissue Procedures 14. Reactivation and Rehabilitation 15. Pediatrics 16. Caring for the Aging Patient 17. Adjusting the Aging Patient 18. Occupational Health 19. Sports Chiropractic 20. Wellness: A Lifestyle 21. A Patients Introduction to Chiropractic Part 5: RESEARCH 22. Research Essentials 23. Musculoskeletal Disorders Research 24. Headaches 25. Somatovisceral Research Part 6: CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN CHIROPRACTIC PRACTICE 26. The Comparative Safety of Chiropractic 27. Chiropractic and the Law 28. Appropriate Care, Ethics and Practice Guidelines 29. Managed Care 30. Pathways for an Evolving Profession Appendix I. Statistical Methods for Determining Reliability Appendix II. Relative Physical Invasiveness of Selected Techniques Appendix III. The ACC Chiropractic Paradigm Glossary Index
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