Contemporary Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture explores the theory and practice of Oriental medicine. It lays the foundation for a broad understanding of what Oriental medicine is, how it works, and its effectiveness in treating a number of common disorders. This text gives the reader an introduction to the ancient theoretical foundations of Chinese medicine, along with glimpses into what a day in the life of a modern practitioner is actually like.
Section 1: The Theory of Oriental Medicine Overview. Theory Section 2: The Practice of Oriental Medicine Diagnostic Techniques of Oriental Medicine. Acupuncture and Moxibustion. Herbal Medicine. Diet, Massage, Moving Meditation Section 3: The Experience of Oriental Medicine Putting it All Together: Practicing Oriental Medicine. Grand Rounds: Practitioners Present. Inside an Acupuncture Detox Clinic. A Day in the Life: Practitioners Reflect on Their Professional Lives Section 4: Effectiveness of Oriental Medicine Introductory Comments. Western Scientific Efforts to Understand How Acupuncture Works. What Do Patients Say? User Satisfaction with Acupuncture & Oriental Medical Care. Pain Control and Oriental Medicine. Substance Abuse and Oriental Medicine. Asthma and Oriental Medicine. Digestive Disorders. Womens Reproductive Health. HIV and Other Infection and Oriental Material. Depression and Oriental Medicine. Stroke, Coma, Paralysis, and other CNS Malfunctions and Oriental Medicine Section 5: Using Oriental Medicine The Expansion and Professionalization of Oriental Medicine. Referring Patients for Acupuncture and Oriental Medical Care Glossary. References. Index
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