This authoritative dictionary contains 6,000 complementary, alternative, and integrative medicine terms, designed to be a definitive resource for all key terms related to complementary and alternative medicine. Concise, user-friendly, and easy-to-understand definitions are accessible to all readers, regardless of previous knowledge of the field. This resource offers the most broad-ranging coverage of CAM terms from popular therapies to the more obscure, lesser-known, or controversial topics. Its up-to-date approach clarifies the meaning of archaic terms for modern practice and defines ambiguous concepts clearly and precisely.
Preface Introduction Pronunciation Guide Alphabetical Listing of Terms
Appendices A. Acupuncture B. Aromatherapy C. Ayurveda D. Biofeedback E. Bodywork F. Chiropractic G. Energy Medicine H. Environmental Medicine I. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996 J. Homeopathy K. Hypnotherapy L. Latin American Medicine M. Magnetic Field Therapy N. Massage Therapy O. Native American Medicine P. Naturopathic Medicine Q. Orthomolecular Medicine R. Osteopathic Medicine S. Reflexology T. Relaxation Therapies U. Spiritual Healing and Subtle Energy Medicine V. Tibetan Medicine W. Traditional Chinese Medicine X. Yoga
Illustration Credits Bibliography
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