This text gives a thorough and analytical review of the treatment options for post-operative pain, using acupuncture. Based on the clinical experience of the author and supported by that of acupuncturists in Chinese universities, the book offers a comprehensive and detailed set of treatments for a wide variety of post-operative pain symptoms and conditions, and includes detailed modifications of the treatments, to aid clinical practice.
Over thinking. Excessive anger. Excessive sadness.
Excessive meditation. Over fear
Miscellaneous pathogenic factors
Improper food intake or medications. Over stress, overstrain or lack of physical exertion. Traumatic injuries
Pathology of Pain after the operation
Disturbance of the Qi and Blood circulation is the main pathology
Influence on physiological function of the Zang-Fu organs and tissues
Damage or even cutting off some normal tissues and Meridians
Blood stagnation due to remaining of some excessive Blood during the operation
Loss of Qi and Blood
Disturbance of the Heart in housing the Shen
Scale formation
Differentiation of Pain after the operation
Differentiation of the location of the pain
Differentiation of the nature of the pain
Incomplete disappearance of Exogenous factors. Cold and Heat. Excess and Deficiency. Qi Stagnation and Blood Stagnation. Damp and Dryness
Differentiation of the characteristics of the pain
Sore pain. Distending pain. Stabling pain. Sharp pain. Throbbing pain. Burning pain. Colic pain. Hemialgia. Pantalgia. Wandering pain. Pain with spasm. Pain with suffocating feeling. Pain with radiation. Pain with contraction. Pain with heaviness. Pain with swelling. Pain with dislike or preference to pressure and massage. Pain with preference to warmth or cold. Constant or intermittent pain
Diagnosis principle and treatment concepts
General principle of pain diagnosis
Application of four methods of diagnosis.
Master of the syndromes prior to the operation.
Determination of the actual and past causative factors for the pain. Channel and point palpation
General concepts of treatment
Managing the secondary symptom and searching the root causes
Supporting the Anti-pathogenic Qi and expel pathogenic factors
Preventing possible new invasion of Exogenous pathogenic factors
Considering the individual constitutions
Selection and combination of acupuncture points
Selection of acupuncture point
Selection of the pain-controlling points
Selection of the points for the causative treatment
Calming the Shen and benefiting the Heart
Selection of the inducing points
Combination of acupuncture points
Combining the local points and distal points
Combining the points on the left with the diseases on the right
Combining the points on the front with the points on the back
Combining the point on the Yang Channels and the points on the Yin Channels
Combining the points above with the points below
Additional Techniques
Moxibustion. Electric Stimulation. Cutaneous Needle. The Three - Edged Needle. The Intradermal Needle. Point Injection. Auricular Acupuncture. Scalp Acupuncture.
Point prescription and frequency of treatment
Point prescriptions
Frequency of treatment
Modern research on pain control by acupuncture
Post-operative Facial Pain
Post-operative Eye Pain
Post-operative Ear Pain
Post-operative Nasal Pain
Post-operative Lip Pain
Post-operative Tooth Pain
Post-operative Tongue Pain
Post-operative Throat Pain
Post-operative Painful Swallowing
Post-operative Chest Pain
Post-operative Breast Pain
Post-operative Axillary Pain
Post-operative Epigastric Pain
Post-operative Hypochondria Pain
Post-operative Abdominal Pain
II. Treatment differentiations
Pain in the Entire Body
Post-operative Headache
Post-operative Neck Pain
Post-operative Shoulder Pain
Post-operative Elbow Pain
Post-operative Wrist Pain
Post-operative Hand Pain
Post-operative Hip Pain
Post-operative Knee Pain
Post-operative Ankle Pain
Post-operative Heel Pain
Post-operative Foot Pain
Post-operative Leg Pain
Post-operative Back Pain
Post-operative Coccyx Pain
Phantom Pain
Post-operative Gynecological Pain
Post-operative Genital Pain
Post-operative Urination Pain
Post-operative Anal Pain
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