This is a concise introduction to homoeopathy for the midwife (and nurse-midwife). It starts with a brief introduction to the principles of homoeopathy and the use of remedies. It then presents a series of full page tables to aid the midwife in rapid and clear assessment of the clients needs and the remedy most likely to be appropriate for pregnancy, labour, the puerperium, breastfeeding problems and the newborn. The final section looks at the complete picture of symptoms most closely matched to each of aselected number of remedies. This section acts as a back-up reference for the midwife wishing to check or decide on a particular choice. The text aims to give a quick and clear set of options for treatment by homoeopathy.
PART 1 UNDERSTANDING and USING HOMEOPATHY: Introduction. A Brief Homeopathic History. Homeopathic Remedies. Homeopathic Principles and Prescribing. Using This Book. PART 2 PREGNANCY: Abdominal Pain. Backache. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. Constipation. Cramping. Diarrhoea. Dizziness and Fainting. Frequency of Micturition. Gestational Hypertension. Haemorrhoids. Heartburn. Insomnia. Ligament Pain/Sciatica. Loss of Libido. Nausea and Vomiting. Threatened Abortion and Vaginal Bleeding. Vaginal Discharge. Varicose Veins. Leg and Vulva. PART 3 LABOUR: Emotional Shock. Failure to Progress. Fear. Ill-Effects of Drugs Taken During And/Or After Labour. Neonatal Respiratory Difficulties at Delivery. Pain Relief. Postpartum Haemorrhage. Retained Placenta PART 4 the PUERPERIUM: After Pains. Breast-Feeding and Breast Problems . Disorders of Urinary Tract and Micturition. Physical Trauma. Postnatal Depression. Puerperal Mania. Subinvolution And/Or Abnormal Lochia PART 5 the BABY: Colic. Constipation. Discharges from the Eye. Minor Skin Injuries. Neonatal Jaundice. Oral and Rectal Candidiasis. Sleeplessness. PART 6 MATERIA MEDICA. Remedy Pictures (Main Remedies) PART 7 APPENDICES. Remedy Pictures (Other Remedies). Remedy Abbreviations for Suggested Uses in Part 6. Glossary of Homeopathic Terms. Useful Addresses
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