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Psychotherapy and Counselling
Reflections on Practice
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Counselling and Psychotherapy:: Reflections on Practice comprises of 23 chapters from the practice of psychotherapy and counselling in Australia, its genesis comes from discussion between members of the Research Committee of the Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia (PACFA) in 2012. PACFA is a peak body for the psychotherapy and counselling profession in this country. The profession of psychotherapy and counselling in Australia continues to develop new and renewed modalities of practice across various disciplinary fields. The diversity of approaches and modalities arises for many reasons-historical, disciplinary, political-as well as from consumer input. Therapeutic approaches draw from frameworks across a spectrum of disciplines from the philosophically informed to the science-practitioner approaches. While each approach claims to be effective in its owndomain, there is no single approach that proves to be most effective for most clients. Therapy is inherently intersubjective work, and the diversity of client bases will continue to call for diversity of therapeutic approaches as well as responses. Moreover clients will increasingly and rightly be themain arbiters of the effectiveness of the therapy they co-create in dialogue with their therapist.
Szczegóły produktu
- Rok wydania
- 2015
- Numer wydania
- 1
- Oprawa
- miękka foliowana
- Liczba stron
- 320
- Wymiary (mm)
- 190 x 245
- Waga (g)
- 714
- Preface; 1. Psychotherapy and Counselling; Part 1: Contemporary Horizons of Practice; Introduction; 2. Feminist therapy: theories and practices; 3. First Nations Healing: Indigenous Approaches to Counselling.; 4. Diagnosis gone mad: Being present at the edge of difference; 5. The ethics of touch in contemporary psychotherapy; 6. Using Film in Counselling and Psychotherapy; Part 2: Relational Therapies; Introduction; 7. Therapy that fits: Feedback informed, client directed counselling; 8. The Relational World of Existential Therapy & Counselling; 9. Transforming anger in a colourful life; 10. Adaptation and change in both client and counsellor, in a sexual abuse case; 11. Kim: A case study demonstrating recovery from complex trauma; Part 3: Expressive Therapies; Introduction; 12. Play Therapy; 13. Dance movement therapy as a specialized form of counselling and psychotherapy; 14. Equine Assisted Psychotherapy (EAP); 15. From Fragmentation to Integration: Re-storying professional identity as a narrative therapist; Part 4: Integrative Approaches; Introduction; 16. Metaphor in Counsellor Training; 17. Stories of Constancy and Change: A Narrative Odyssey; 18. The Artistry and Therapeutic Practice of Hypnotherapy; 19. Moving Beyond Embodiment to Animation-based Psychotherapy and Counselling; 20. In search of myself: An integrative approach to working with a transgendered woman; Part 5: Psychodynamic Therapies; Introduction; 21. Embodied imagination: Working with dreams and memories to facilitate therapeutic change; 21. Mental Illness or Complex Trauma? : From diagnosis to recovery; 22 Forget Me Not- My Journey through Jungian Analysis - a Case Presentation;
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