Understanding the basics of psychology - what drives human choices and behaviours - underpins good practice in health. Psychology:: An Introduction for Health Professionals presents the latest relevant theories and concepts, as well as their application to specific health issues and clinical practice.
Written by Deb OKane and other leading experts in the field, this book will help you understand more about why people act in certain ways related to their health and wellbeing, from diagnoses, health interventions and outcomes. For example, why does a person not complete a full course of antibiotics, or how can you expect a someone to respond to stress, loss or pain? Scenarios and reflection questions help to bring important psychology concepts to life.
The book is written specifically for health science and nursing students undertaking discreet units of study in psychology, but will also be applicable to practitioners in their daily work.
This new edition includes Elsevier Adaptive Quizzing (EAQ) forPsychology:: An Introduction for Health Professionals 2e. Corresponding chapter-by-chapter to the core text, EAQ prepares students for tutorials, lectures and exams, with access to thousands of exam-style questions at your fingertips.
SECTION 1 Theoretical approaches to psychology in healthcare practice . Chapter 1 Psychology: an introduction 3 . Chapter 2 Research-informed practice 29 . Chapter 3 Lifespan: the early years (birth to adolescence) 65 . Chapter 4 Lifespan: middle and later years (adulthood to ageing) 93 . Chapter 5 Health and health psychology 125 . Chapter 6 The social context of behaviour 155 . Chapter 7 Behaviour change 177 SECTION 2 Aspects of psychology in healthcare practice . Chapter 8 Communication in healthcare practice 209 . Chapter 9 Stress and coping 235 . Chapter 10 Loss 265 . Chapter 11 Pain 299 . Chapter 12 Partnerships in health 335 . Chapter 13 Health promotion 359 SECTION 3 Application of psychology in healthcare practice . Chapter 14 Psychology in practice 387 . Glossary 439 . Index 453
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