Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been proven effective for treating Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder. However, this type of program requires at least 6 months of weekly sessions with a qualified mental health professional. If you suffer from an eating disorder and want to get treatment, but have little time to devote to a therapy, a shorter, time-limited program may be right for you. This workbook outlines a Guided Self-Help (GSH) program based on the principles of CBT. Although sessions with a therapist or clinician are required, there are usually no more than 12 and each one is only 25 minutes long. You will do much of the treatment on your own using the workbook as your guide. You will learn and practice the skills you need to overcome your eating disorder and establish healthy habits, while consulting with your therapist for encouragement and support. Through dailyself-monitoring of your eating patterns, and strategies such as challenging negative thoughts and formal problem-solving, you will reduce your desire to binge and purge. GSH is hard work, but the benefits are well worth it. If you have the desire and the drive, you can use this workbook to eliminateyour eating disorder once and for all.
Information About Bulimia Nervosa, Binge-Eating Disorder, and This Treatment Program; Introduction; Binge Eating and Purging; Health Effects of Binge Eating and Purging; Treatments for Binge Eating and Purging; Evidence for the Effectiveness of Guided Self-Help; A Step-by-Step Approach to Treatment; An Assessment of Your Eating Problems: Is it Time to Begin Treatment?; Understanding and Applying the CBT Model; Using Daily Food Records to Monitor Eating; Establishing a Regular Pattern of Eating plus Weekly Weighing; Feared and Problem Foods; Body Image Concerns; Handling Intense Moods and Emotions; Working through Problem Situations and Thoughts; Handling Challenging People; Relapse Prevention and Maintaining Change;
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