Although the perceptions and realities of ageing have changed markedly over the last few decades, for practitioners working with older people, emotional problems remain a major factor of health and happiness in later life. This handbook provides a concise, authoritative and up to date guide to best practice in therapy for older people, for a wide range of mental health professionals. The editors bring together chapters by experienced trainers and clinicians that cover all the significant problems and issues in the assessment and treatment of emotional disorders in later life. The introductory chapters examine the individual, social, cultural and physical experience of ageing, and provide an essential background for a caring and professional understanding of related emotional disorders and their effective treatment. Throughout the book, key research and clinical experienceis reported as underlying evidence based treatment, but the emphasis is on practical guidance for assessment and interventions, rather than detailed discussion of methodological issues. With each chapter written by a specialist in their field, a range of expertise is provided in a single source,making this book an invaluable resource for anyone dealing with the mental health needs of older people.
Part I - Understanding Emotional Problems in Later Life; A lifespan developmental perspective of psychological aging; Normal and abnormal ageing; Contextual adult lifespan theory for adapting psychotherapy (CALTAP); Part II - Psychotherapy Treatment Approaches with Older People; Cognitive behaviour therapy with older people; Schemas and schema focused approaches with older people; Interpersonal psychotherapy as a treatment for late life depression; Current psychodynamic approaches with older people; Caregiver family therapy; Part III - Assessment and Treatment of Common Emotional Disorders in Later Life; Assessment and treatment of depression; Assessment and treatment of anxiety in later life; Assessment and treatment of insomnia; Assessment and treatment of bereavement in late life; Part IV - Special Problems in Later Life; Assessment and treatment of suicidal behaviour in later life; Assessment and treatment of dementia related affective disturbances; Assessment and treatment of post-stroke depression and anxiety; Assessment and treatment of depression and anxiety in Parkinsons disease; Issues in assessment and intervention for distress in Alzheimer caregivers; Assessment and treatment of excessive behaviours; Psychological assessment and treatment with older adults: past trends and future directions;
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