It is well known that alcohol abuse can have a devastating effect on a persons entire life, from work to social life to family relationships. The cycle of alcohol abuse is especially damaging when the individual is in a romantic relationship. When an individual in a relationship struggles with alcohol dependence, both partners suffer and the nature of the relationship can become stressful, dysfunctional, and sometimes violent. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) has been proven to be an extremely effective method of treating alcohol abuse problems. Since both members of a couple are so affected when one partner abuses alcohol, this CBT based program is designed to treat them together, to help the drinker overcome his or her problem and the partner understand how he or she can become an agent of positive change. Often, a partner can be an unwitting trigger of alcohol abuse by misreading or miscommunicatingsituations. This program teaches the non-drinker how to avoid such situations and be a supportive part of the recovery effort. Partners learn to help motivate the drinker to stop, to recognise potential triggers and danger situations, and to prevent relapse once the treatment has ended successfully. This Therapist Guide outlines a 12-week program, providing session outlines and lists of materials needed to facilitate the treatment. Sessions focus on stimulus control, problem-solving, communication, and building motivation.