Clinical psychology is a vast area of research, on an international stage, fundamentally addressing psychological problems or disorders from an assessment, diagnostic and interventionist point of view. This complex field of science studies a mix of complex client groups (children to the elderly) and a variety of different perspectives of study (from neuropsychology to psychotherapy perspectives). Clinical Psychology II :: Treatments and Interventions These four volumes cover the areas of treatments and interventions. The former targets treatments which are based on a specific theory (for example psychoanalytic, psychodynamic, interpersonal, cognitive, experiential and humanistic) as well as treatment approaches which have been specifically associated with a focused diagnosis (e.g., cognitive therapy for panic disorder). The latter targets interventions which are less specifically associated with diagnostic categories or theoretical models and are often based on features of service settings (for example primary care or forensic settings). These four volumes reflect the diversity of applications of clinical psychology by considering treatments and interventions in adult, children and adolescents, older adults, and families and also cover interventions relating to areas such a neuropsychology (e.g., brain injury).
VOLUME ONE:: MODELS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS PART ONE:: PSYCHODYNAMIC/ANALYTIC The Origin and Development of Psychoanalysis - Sigmund Freud Early Stages of the Oedipus Conflict - Melanie Klein Making and Breaking of Affectional Bonds - John Bowlby Etiology and Psychopathology in Light of Attachment Theory PART TWO:: BEHAVIOURAL Psychology as the Behaviorist Views It - John Watson Are Theories of Learning Necessary? - B.F. Skinner Learned Helplessness in Humans - Lyn Abramson, Martin Seligman and John Teasdale Critique and Reformulation PART THREE:: COMMON FACTORS AND HUMANISTIC Some Implicit Common Factors in Diverse Methods of Psychotherapy - Saul Rosenzweig The Necessary and Sufficient Conditions of Therapeutic Personality Change - Carl Rogers PART FOUR:: COGNITIVE/COGNITIVE-BEHAVIOURAL FOR MOOD DISORDERS Thinking and Depression - Aaron Beck 1. Idiosyncratic Content and Cognitive Distortions Thinking and Depression - Aaron Beck 2. Theory and Therapy A Functional Analysis of Depression - C.B. Ferster A Cognitive Approach to Panic - David Clark Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy for Eating Disorders - Christopher Fairburn, Zafra Cooper and Roz Shafran A Transdiagnostic Theory and Treatment PART FIVE:: CHANGE MODELS Stages and Processes of Self?Change of Smoking - James Prochaska and Carlo DiClemente Toward an Integrative Model of Change Motivational Interviewing with Problem Drinkers - William Miller Understanding and Preventing Relapse - Kelly Brownell et al PART SIX:: CONTEXTUAL MODELS The Need for a New Medical Model - George Engel A Challenge for Biomedicine Terms of Empowerment/Exemplars of Prevention - Julian Rappaport Toward a Theory for Community Psychology Coping Theory and Research - Richard Lazarus Past, Present and Future VOLUME TWO:: PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS FOR DISORDERS WITH ADULTS PART ONE:: CLASSIC OUTCOME STUDIES Psychotherapy in 200 Cases of Psychoneurosis - James Huddleston The Effects of Psychotherapy - H.J. Eysenck An evaluation Psychotherapy by Reciprocal Inhibition - Joseph Wolpe Short-Term Analytically Oriented Psychotherapy versus Behavior Therapy - R. Bruce Sloane et al Meta-Analysis, Reviews and Empirically Supported Treatments Meta-Analysis of Psychotherapy Outcomes Studies - Mary Lee Smith and Gene Glass Are All Psychotherapies Equivalent? - William Stiles, David Shapiro and Robert Elliott Defining Empirically Supported Therapies - Dianne Chambless and Steven Hollon PART TWO:: DEPRESSION National Institute of Mental -Health Treatment of Depression Collaborative Research Program - Irene Elkin et al General Effectiveness of Treatments A Component Analysis of Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment for Depression - Neil Jacobson et al PART THREE:: GENERAL ANXIETY DISORDERS Efficacy of Applied Relaxation and Cognitive?Behavioural Therapy in the Treatment of Generalized Anxiety Disorder - T.D. Borkovec and Ellen Costello Efficacy of a Cognitive-Behavioural Treatment for Generalized Anxiety Disorder - Robert Ladouceur et al Evaluation in a Controlled Clinical Trial PART FOUR:: OBSESSIVE-COMPULSIVE, PTSD, PANIC DISORDER AND SOCIAL PHOBIA Abnormal and Normal Obsessions - S. Rachman and P. De Silva Treatment of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Rape Victims - Edna Foa et al A Comparison between Cognitive-Behavioural Procedures and Counseling Cognitive-Behavioural Group Therapy versus Phenelzine Therapy for Social Phobia - Richard Heimberg et al 12- Week Outcome Cognitive? Behavioural Therapy, Imipramine or Their Combination for Panic Disorder - David Barlow et al A Randomized Controlled Trial PART FIVE :: BULIMIA Three Psychological Treatments for Bulimia Nervosa - Christopher Fairburn et al A Comparative Trial PART SIX:: MARITAL Traditional versus Integrative Behavioural Couple Therapy for Significantly and Chronically Distressed Married Couples - Andrew Christensen et al PART SEVEN:: COMMUNITY Community Mental-Health Services for Ethnic-Minority Groups - Stanley Sue et al A Test of the Cultural Responsiveness Hypothesis VOLUME THREE:: PSYCHOLOGICAL MODELS AND INTERVENTIONS FOR COMPLEX MENTAL- HEALTH PROBLEMS, OLDER ADULTS AND LEARNING DISABILITIES PART ONE:: COMPLEX INTERVENTIONS:: MODELS AND AETIOLOGY Borderline Personality Organization - Otto Kernberg Influence of Family and Social Factors on Course of Psychiatric Illness - C.E Vaughn and J.P. Leff A Comparison of Schizophrenic and Depressed Neurotic Patients Vulnerability - Joseph Zubin and Bonnie Spring A New View of Schizophrenia Abandoning the Concept of Schizophrenia - R.P. Bentall, H.F. Jackson and D. Pilgrim Some Implications of Validity Arguments for Psychological Research into Psychotic Phenomena The Omnipotence of Voices - Paul Chadwick and Max Birchwood A Cognitive Approach to Auditory Hallucinations Childhood Trauma, Psychosis and Schizophrenia - J.Read et al A Literature Review with Theoretical and Clinical Implications PART TWO:: SCHIZOPHRENIA AND PSYCHOSES A Controlled Trial of Social Intervention in the Families of Schizophrenic Patients - Julian Leff et al Family Management in the Prevention of Exacerbations of Schizophrenia - Ian Falloon et al A Controlled Study EPPIC - Patrick McGorry et al An Evolving System of Early Detection and Optimal Management Randomized Controlled Trial of Motivational Interviewing, Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy and Family Intervention for Patients with Co-Morbid Schizophrenia and Substance-Use Disorders - Christine Barrowclough et al PART THREE:: BORDERLINE PERSONALITY Cognitive?Behavioural Treatment of Chronically Parasuicidal Borderline Patients - Marsha Linehan et al Effectiveness of Partial Hospitalization in the Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder - Anthony Bateman and Peter Fonagy A Randomized Controlled Trial PART FOUR:: LEARNING DISABILITIES AND CHALLENGING BEHAVIOURS Reducing Behaviour Problems through Functional Communication Training - Edward Carr and V. Mark Durand Effects of Anger Management Training with Mentally Retarded Adults in Group Treatment - Betsy Benson, Christine Rice and S. Vincent Miranti Opportunity and the Promotion of Activity among Adults with Severe Intellectual Disability Living in Community Residences - E. Jones et al The Impact of Training Staff in Active Support PART FIVE:: OLDER ADULTS AND CARERS Comparative Effectiveness of Psychotherapies for Depressed Elders - Larry Thompson, Dolores Gallagher and Julia Steinmetz Breckenridge Meta?Analysis of Psychosocial Interventions for Caregivers of People with Dementia - Henry Brodaty, Alisa Green and Annette Koschera VOLUME FOUR:: APPLICATIONS WITH CHILDREN AND WITH ADULTS PRESENTING WITH HEALTH AND PHYSICAL-RELATED PROBLEMS PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS WITH CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS PART ONE:: GENERAL Identifying and Developing Empirically Supported Child and Adolescent Treatments - Alan Kazdin and John Weisz PART TWO:: PRESENTING CONDITIONS Cognitive Problem-Solving Skills Training and Parent Management Training in the Treatment of Anti-Social Behaviour in Children - Alan Kazdin, Todd Siegel and Debra Bass Treating Anxiety Disorders in Children - Philip Kendall Results of a Randomized clinical trial A Treatment-Outcome Study for Sexually Abused Pre-School Children - Judith Cohen and Anthony Mannarino Initial Findings Family Treatment of Childhood Anxiety - Paula Barrett, Dadds and R.M. Rapee A Controlled Trial Controlled Trial of a Brief Cognitive-Behavioural Intervention in Adolescent Patients with Depressive Disorders - A. Wood, R. Harrington and A. Moore Family Therapy for Adolescent Anorexia Nervosa - Ivan Eisler et al Cognitive-Behavioural Family Treatment of Childhood Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Paula Barrett, Lara Healy-Farrell and John March A Controlled Trial PART THREE:: LEARNING DISABILITIES, AUTISM AND ATTENTION-DEFICIT/HYPERACTIVITY DISORDER Psychological Theory and the Study of Learning Disabilities - Ann Brown and Joseph Campione Behavioural Treatment and Normal Educational and Intellectual Functioning in Young Autistic Children - O. Ivar Lovaas Cost?Effectiveness of ADHD Treatments - P.S. Jensen et al Findings from the Multimodal Treatment Study of Children with ADHD PART FOUR:: PSYCHOLOGICAL APPROACHES TO HEALTH AND PHYSICALLY RELATED PROBLEMS PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS WITH HEALTH-RELATED PROBLEMS Psychological Outcomes of Different Treatment Policies in Women with Early Breast Cancer Outcome - L.J. Fallowfield et al A Clinical Trial Can Lifestyle Change Reverse Coronary Heart Disease? - Dean Ornish et al Psychological Effects of Chronic Disease - Christine Eiser The Dual-Process Model of Coping with Bereavement - Margaret Stroebe and Henk Schut Rationale and Description Psychosocial Interventions or Patients with Cancer - F.I. Fawzy What Works and What Doesnt Systematic Review and Meta?Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials of Cognitive- Behaviour Therapy and Behaviour Therapy for Chronic Pain in Adults, Excluding Headache - Stephen Morley, Christopher Eccleston and Amanda Williams PART FIVE:: PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS WITH NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL PROBLEMS Wood Neuropsychological Rehabilitation after Closed Head Injury in Young Adults - George Prigatano et al PART SIX:: PSYCHOLOGICAL INTERVENTIONS FOR PEOPLE WITH DEMENTIA Towards a Theory of Dementia Care - Tom Kitwood The Interpersonal Process Efficacy of an Evidence?Based Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Programme for People with Dementia - Aimee Spector et al Randomized Controlled Trial
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