Chock-full of fun exercises, surprising tips, and real-world case examples, Pamela A. Hays Connecting Across Cultures:: The Helpers Toolkit provides both students and professionals in health care and social service with the skills to develop respectful, smooth relationships with their clients and with the community at large. The book provides practical, hands-on strategies for connecting with people across differences related to ethnicity, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, disability, age, gender, and class. Since cross-cultural relationships add a level of difficulty to all the usual relationship challenges, this book will be applicable for almost every relationship you may encounter .
Introduction 1. Diversity Is Unavoidable, and Thats a Good Thing 2. The Starting Place:: Knowing Who You Are 3. Creating a New Awareness:: What You Didnt Learn in School 4. The Invisible Boundary:: How Privilege Affects Your Work and Life 5. But Everyone I Know Agrees with Me:: The Influence of Family and Friends 6. Thats Not What I Mean:: Effective, Respectful Communication 7. Say What? Why Words Matter 8. Making the Connection:: The Four Relationship Vitals 9. Keeping the Connection, Even When the Signal Is Faulty 10. When the Golden Rule Isnt Working:: Respectful Conflict Resolution Conclusion
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