Going beyond simple procedural modifications, this is the first book to address how the application of gerontology to CBT practice can augment CBT’s effectiveness and appropriateness with older people. Taking you step-by-step through the CBT process and supported by clinical case examples, therapeutic dialogue, points for reflection and hints and tips, the book examines:: - basic theoretical models in CBT and how to relate them to work with older people - main behavioural interventions and their practical application - social context and relevant theories of aging - implications of assessment, diagnosis and treatment - issues of anxiety, worry and depression, and more specialist applications of CBT for chronic illnesses - latest developments, thinking and empirical evidence. This is an invaluable companion for any clinical psychology, counselling, CBT/IAPT, and social care trainee or professional new to working with older people, especially those who are keen to understand how the application of CBT may be different. Professor Ken Laidlaw is Head of the Department of Clinical Psychology, University of East Anglia.
Preparing to use CBT with Older People Introduction to CBT Practical information for Psychotherapists working with Older People CBT for Late Life Depression CBT for Late Life Anxiety The application of CBT with Older People Structure and Content of CBT with Older People The Therapeutic Relationship in CBT with Older People Cognitive and Behavioural Interventions Age Appropriate CBT:: Case-conceptualization with Older People Specialist applications of CBT with Older People Augmented Age Appropriate CBT:: Enhancing Wisdom, Resilience and Self-acceptance Chronicity and Comorbidity CBT for People with Dementia and their Carers References
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