When things go right for students…things go right for instructors! Focusing on why things go right, The Science of Psychology:: An Appreciation View, Third Edition, helps students understand and appreciate psychology as a science and as an integrated whole. Informed by student data, the third edition's program extends these themes and enhances their pedagogical value by guiding students toward topics they find the most challenging and then offering new learning resources to help students master them.
The Science of Psychology:: An Appreciative View, Third Edition
By Laura King
Chapter 1:: What is Psychology?
Defining Psychology
Critical Controversy:: Are Young Americans in the Middle of a Narcissism Epidemic?
Psychology in Historical Perspective
Psychological Inquiry:: Explore Evolution from Giraffes to Human Beings
Contemporary Approaches to Psychology
What Psychologists Do
Psychological Inquiry:: Questions That Psychology Specialists Ask
Intersection:: Social Psychology and Cross-Cultural Psychology:: How Does Culture Influence the Meaning of Success?
The Science of Psychology and Health and Wellness
Chapter 2:: Psychologys Scientific Method
Psychologys Scientific Method
Types of Psychological Research
Psychological Inquiry:: Miserable but Helpful?
Intersection:: Personality and Social Psychology:: Does Socialability Lead to Happiness or Is It the Other Way Around?
Research Samples and Settings
Analyzing and Interpreting Data
Psychological Inquiry:: Experimentation in Natural Setting
Conducting Ethical Research
Critical Controversy:: Is it Ethical to Use Deception in Research?
Thinking Critically About Psychological Research
The Scientific Method and Health and Wellness
Chapter 3:: Biological Foundations of Behavior
The Nervous System
Critical Controversy:: Do Mirror Neurons Hold the Key to Social Understanding?
Structures of the Brain and Their Functions
Psychological Inquiry:: The Brain in Different SpeciesIntersection:: Neuroscience and Emotion:: How Does the Brain Recognize What Is Funny?
The Endocrine System
Brain Damage, Plasticity, and Repair
Genetics and Behavior
Psychological Inquiry:: The Jim Twins
Psychologys Biological Foundations and Health and Wellness
Chapter 4:: Sensation and Perception
How We Sense and Perceive the World
Psychological Inquiry:: Old Woman or Young Woman?
Critical Controversy:: Can We Feel the Future?
Psychological Inquiry:: Subliminal Perception:: Working Up a Thirst
The Visual System
The Auditory System
Other Senses
Intersection:: Emotion and Sensation:: What Do Feelings Smell Like?
Sensation, Perception, and Health and Wellness
Chapter 5:: States of Consciousness
The Nature of Consciousness
Critical Controversy:: Does Conscious Reflection Matter to Matters of Conscience?
Sleep and Dreams
Psychological Inquiry:: Taking a Ride on the Sleep Cycles
Psychoactive Drugs
Intersection:: Consciousness and Neuroscience:: Can We Tell What the Brain is Dreaming About?
Psychological Inquiry:: Drug Use by U.S. Teenagers
Consciousness and Health and Wellness:: Meditation
Chapter 6:: Learning
Types of Learning
Classical Conditioning
Intersection:: Learning and Clinical Psychology:: Can Classical Conditioning Help Us Understand Drug Abuse?
Psychological Inquiry:: From Acquisition to Extinction (to Spontaneous Recovery)
Operant Conditioning
Psychological Inquiry:: Schedules of Reinforcement and Different Patterns of Responding
Observational Learning
Cognitive Factors in Learning
Biological, Cultural, and Psychological Factors in Learning
Critical Controversy:: Do Learning Styles Matter to Learning?
Learning and Health and Wellness
Chapter 7:: Memory
The Nature of Memory
Memory Encoding
Memory Storage
Psychological Inquiry:: The Inner Workings of Working Memory
Intersection:: Cognitive and Cultural Psychology:: How Does Culture Influence Episodic Memory?
Memory Retrieval
Psychological Inquiry:: The Serial Position Effect:: Lost in Midstream
Critical Controversy:: Can Adults Tell If Childrens Memories are Accurate
Study Tips from the Science of Memory
Memory and Health and Wellness
Chapter 8:: Thinking, Intelligence, and Language
The Cognitive Revolution in Psychology
Psychological Inquiry:: Thinking Outside the Box
Intersection:: Cognitive Psychology and Personality:: Do Sophisticated Thinkers Avoid the Bias Blind Spot?Critical Controversy:: Is There a Link Between Creative Genius and Psychopathology
Psychological Inquiry:: The Normal Curve
Thinking, Problem Solving, and Health and Wellness
Alternative Chapter:: Thinking and Language
The Cognitive Revolution in Psychology
Psychological Inquiry:: Thinking Outside the Box
Two Systems of Information Processing
Critical Controversy:: Should we be taking drugs to enhance our thinking?
Biases and Heuristics
Intersection:: Language, Culture, and Cognition:: How Does Language Shape Answers to the Question “Where”?
Thinking, Language, and Health and Wellness
Alternative Chapter:: Intelligence
The History and Definition of Intelligence
Measuring Intelligence
Psychological Inquiry:: The Normal Curve
Sources of Bias in Intelligence Testing
Nature, Nurture, and Intelligence
Extremes of Intelligence
Intersection:: Educational Psychology and Social Psychology:: Do teachers have stereotypes about gifted children?
Multiple Intelligences, Creativity, and Emotional Intelligence
Intelligence and Health and Wellness
Chapter 9:: Human Development
Exploring Human Development
Child Development
Psychological Inquiry:: Thinking Critically About Object Permanence
Intersection:: Developmental and Social Psychology:: Is Attachment an Enduring Aspect of Life?
Psychological Inquiry:: Looking at Identity Exploration
Emerging Adulthood, Adult Development, and Aging
Critical Controversy:: Is Parenthood Associated with Happiness
Human Development and Health and Wellness
Alternative Chapter:: Human Development
(topical approach)
Exploring Human Development
Physical Development
Cognitive Development
Psychological Inquiry:: Thinking Critically About Object Permanence
Socioemotional Development
Intersection:: Developmental and Social Psychology:: Is Attachment of an Enduring Aspect of Life?
Psychological Inquiry:: Looking at Identity Exploration
Moral Development
Human Development and Health and Wellness
Chapter 10:: Motivation and Emotion
Theories of Motivation
Hunger, Obesity, and Eating Disorders
Psychological Inquiry:: Obeying the (Yerkes-Dodson) Law
Approaches to Motivation in Everyday LifeCritical Controversy:: Do Extrinsic Rewards Undermine Intrinsic Motivation?Emotion
Intersection:: Emotion and Health Psychology:: Can a Smile Protect Against Stress?
Psychological Inquiry:: The Full Circle of Emotions
Motivation, Emotion, and Health and Wellness:: The Pursuit of Happiness
Chapter 11:: Gender, Sex, and Sexuality
Defining Sex and Gender
Theories of Gender Development
Intersection; Gender and Neuroscience:: Are There His and Hers Brains (and Should We Even Ask That Question?
The Psychology of Gender Differences
Critical Controversy:: Does Autism Spectrum Disorder Represent an Extreme Male Brain?
Psychological Inquiry:: Sex and Casual Sex
Sexual Orientation
Sexual Behaviors and Practices
Psychological Inquiry:: Sex in America
Sexual Variations and Disorders
Sexuality and Health and Wellness
Chapter 12:: Personality
Psychodynamic Perspectives
Critical Controversy:: Do Defense Mechanisms Underlie Homophobia?
Humanistic Perspectives
Trait Perspectives
Psychological Inquiry::
Intersection:: Personality and Health Psychology:: Are Traits Linked to Obesity?
Personological and Life Story Perspectives
Social Cognitive Perspectives
Biological Perspectives
Personality Assessment
Personality and Health and Wellness
Psychological Inquiry:: A Can-Do Attitude Means You Can Quit Smoking
Chapter 13:: Social Psychology
Social Cognition
Social Behavior
Social Influence
Intersection:: Social Psychology and Cross-Cultural Psychology:: Why Are Some Nations More Conforming Than Others?
Psychological Inquiry:: Obedience Then and Now
Intergroup Relations
Critical Controversy:: Is Intelligence Related to Prejudice and Political Beliefs?
Psychological Inquiry:: Improving Group Relations Through Cooperative Activities
Close Relationships
Social Psychology and Health and Wellness
Chapter 14:: Industrial and Organization Psychology
Origins of Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Industrial Psychology
Psychological Inquiry:: The Fastest-Growing Jobs in the United States
Critical Controversy:: Does Self-Efficacy Always Lead to Better Performance?
Organizational Psychology
Organizational Culture
Intersection:: I-O Psychology and Personality Psychology:: Are Transformational Leaders in the Eye of the Beholder?
I-O Psychology and Health and Wellness
Psychological Inquiry:: You Need a Vacation!
Chapter 15:: Psychological Disorders
Defining and Explaining Abnormal Behavior
Critical Controversy:: Does Everyone Have ADHD?
Anxiety and Anxiety-Related Disorders
Disorders Involving Emotion and Mood
Psychological Inquiry:: Depression Among Women and Men Across Cultures
Dissociative Disorders
Psychological Inquiry:: The Association of Genes with Schizeophrenia
Personality Disorders
Intersection:: Clinical Psychology and Personality Psychology:: Are Aspects of Psychopathy Related to Leadership Success?
Psychological Disorders and Health and Wellness
Chapter 16:: Therapies
Approaches to Treating Psychological Disorders
Psychological Inquiry:: Does Therapy Work?
Psychological Inquiry:: Classical Conditioning:: The Backbone of Aversive Conditioning
Biological Therapies
Critical Controversy:: Do Antidepressants Increase Suicide Risk in Children?
Sociocultural Approaches and Issues in Treatment
Clinical and Cultural Psychology:: How Does Culture Influence Responses to Treatment?
Therapies and Health and Wellness
Chapter 17:: Health Psychology
Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine
Making Positive Life Changes
Resources for Effective Life Change
Intersection:: Health Psychology and Cross-Cultural Psychology:: How Does Culture Influence the Meaning of Social Support?
Psychological Inquiry:: Praying for Good Health
Toward a Healthier Mind (and Body):: Controlling Stress
Critical Controversy:: How Powerful Is the Power of Positive Thinking?
Toward a Healthier Body (and Mind):: Behaving as If Your Life Depends upon It
Psychological Inquiry:: Physical Activity:: A Matter of Life and Death
Psychology and Your Good Life
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