This is a book about the psychological journey women make when they become pregnant, give birth and adjust to life after childbirth. The focus of the book is on three main issues:: The experience for women, their families and caregivers, the psychologicalneeds of women and their families at this time and the best way for caregivers to meet these psychological needs. The contributions in this book should provoke thought, discussion and debate about the psychological side of maternity care, and ultimately enhance the psychological care that is given to women and their families before, during and after childbirth.
Womens Experiences of Antenatal Ultrasound Scans. Antenatal Care: What Do Women Want?. Psychological Support in Pregnancy. Continuity of Carer: the Experiences of Midwives. Choice, Control and Decision-Making in Labour. Having a Homebirth: Decisions, Experiences and Long-Term Consequences. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Following Childbirth: Causes, Prevention and Treatment. Psychological Effects of Stillbirthand Neonatal Loss. Special Care Babies and Their Carers: Experiences, Needs and Relationships. Working with Breast-Feeding Mothers: the Psychosocial Context. Womens Experience of Postnatal Support. Men Becoming Fathers: Sometimes I Wonder How Ill Cope. Teenage Motherhood: Experiences and Relationships
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