Psychoneuroimmunology or mind-body medicine is an exploding area of interest in the USA and is becoming of increasing interest worldwide. New and exciting research from both these fields shows that perceptions and emotions directly affect immunity and health. This book assesses the research in this area and assesses the implications of PNI and its application to general medical practice. It looks at the evidence supporting the concept that mind-body connections have an impact on the development and progressof illness, and at how health care providers can take advantage of this evidence to improve the well-being of their patients. This is a practical text and reference which gives a good general introduction to the concept of mind-body medicine as it has developed to date.
Mind-Body Pathways. Mind-Body Medicine: Its Popularity and Perception. Ischaemic Heart Disease: Homeostasis and the Heart. Hypertension. Cancer. HIV Disease: Psychological Well-Being and Immunity. Abdominal Symptoms and the Mind. Allergy. Non-Specific Illness: a Mind-Body Approach to Functional Somatic Symptoms. Psychological Health: Helping People in Stress and Distress. Nutrition: Pivotal in Prevention and Treatment of Disease and Promotion of Health. Substance Misuse. Mind-Body Approaches to Successful Aging. Self-Care: Stress and the Practitioner. Putting Mind-Body Care Into Practice
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