The aim of Getting Research into Practice is to explore a range of issues that may impact on health care practitioners who want to use research in their practice. In contrast to the number of texts that have focused on research design and placed emphasis on doing research this book focuses on efforts to increase utilization of research in practice through research and organisational development.
The text will consist of a series of edited chapters divided into three sections as follows:: Context:: an outline of changes in approach to health care research and differing ideas that may influence practitioners undertaking to become involved in the research utilization cycle. Practical experiences:: will focus on practitioners research. Chapters will focus on the personal experience of a range of practitioners in the field and reports of project developments. This will range from strategic planning to implement research in one NHS Trust through to local examples at clinical unit level. Implications:: concluding chapter will draw together the present ideology and theoretical perspectives with the examples given by practitioners and consider of implications for future practice developments.
Part 1: The Context: 1. Background. 2. Research in health care: establishing a National Research and Development Programme.. 3. Developing a research programme to meet a national agenda.. 4. Managing the local agenda - planning to get research/evidence-based care into practice.. 5. Research for Practice... Part 2: Practical experiences. 6.. The physiotherapy experience. 7. The midwifery experience. 8Experiences in child care nursing. 9. Experiences in mental health nursing.. 10. Undertaking feasibility studies in Primary Care.. 11. A Personal Journey Part 3 Implications:12. Research and development in practice . Resource section.
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