Offering a multifaceted, practical approach to the complex topic of clinical assessment, Practical Guide to the Assessment of Clinical Competence, 3rd Edition, is designed to help medical educators employ better assessment methods, tools, and models directly into their training programs. World-renowned editors and expert contributing authors provide hands-on, authoritative guidance on outcomes-based assessment in clinical education, presenting a well-organized, diverse combination of methods you can implement right away. This thoroughly revised edition is a valuable resource for developing, implementing, and sustaining effective systems for assessing clinical competence in medical school, residency, and fellowship programs.
Chapter Number Chapter Title1 Assessment Challenges in the Era of Outcomes-Based Education 2 Issues of Validity and Reliability for Assessments in Medical Education 3 Evaluation Frameworks, Forms, and Global Rating Scales 4 Direct Observation 5 Direct Observation: Standardized Patients 6 Using Written Examinations to Assess Medical Knowledge and Its Application 7 Assessing Clinical Reasoning in the Workplace 8 Workplace-Based Assessment of Procedural Skills 9 Milestones and EPAs 10 Evaluating Evidence-Based Practice 11 Clinical Practice Review 12 Multisource Feedback 13 Simulation-Based Assessment 14 Feedback and Coaching in Clinical Teaching and Learning 15 Portfolios 16 The Learner With a Problem or the Problem Learner? Working With Dyscompetent Learners 17 Program Evaluation
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