This is a comprehensive reference text which covers all areas of cardiac care that nurses need to know about. As well as the clinical conditions and syndromes, it covers health promotion and rehabilitation. Nursing care in relation to a variety of specific conditions is discussed together with current changes and management in cardiac care provision. Contributions come from clinical experts across the sub-specialties, and the book is richly illustrated including a colour plate section.
Preface. Section 1 Epidemiology, health promotion and living with heart disease. Introduction. Cardiac Health Promotion. Cardiac rehabilitation. Section 2 Cardiac structure and function. Structure, physiology and adaptability of the heart. Section 3 Clinical assessment. Clinical observation and monitoring devices. ECG: its role and practical application. Arterial blood gas monitoring. Diagnostic procedures. Section 4 Cardiac conditions. Coronary artery disease, angina and myocardial infarction. Heart failure. Cardiomyopathies. Congenital cardiac condiitons from child to adult. Valve disorders. Infective endocarditis. Aortic aneurysm pericarditis. Pericardial effusions. The Marfan syndrome. Section 5 Management of care. Augmenting the cardiac output. Pharmacological management of the patient. Electrophysiolgoy studes. Care of patients requiring pacing devices. Management of cardiac surgical patients. Cardiac transplantation. Resuscitation: the practical and ethical issues. Management and support of patients internal cardiac defibrillators. Transmyocardial revascularisation TMR: the rebirth of an old idea. Complementary therapies. Section 6 Professional issues in cardiac care. Ethical issues in cardiac care. Emergence of early extubation protocols (fast tracking)and the high dependency unit. Critical pathways: aiming for seamless care. Future of nursing.