The new edition of Clinical Cardiac Pacing and Defibrillation presents the current standards of pacing and defibrillation for the clinical cardiac electrophysiologist. This book encompasses all of the new devices and management strategies for cardiac electrophysiologists interested in pacing. The world authorities on pacing and devices for cardiac care have contributed to make this new full color edition the most practical yet.
Szczegóły produktu
Rok wydania
Numer wydania
Liczba stron
Wymiary (mm)
216 x 276
Section 1 BASIC PRINCIPLES OF DEVICE THERAPY Chapter 1---Cardiac Electrical Stimulation Chapter 2---Principes of Defibrillation: Cellular Physiology to fields and waveforms Chapter 3---Sensing and Arrhythmia Detection by implantable devices Chapter 4---Engineering and construction of pacemaker and defibrillation leads Chapter 5: Sensors in implantable devices-incldues information on chronotropic incompetence Chapter 6---Power sources for implantable devices Chapter 7---Pacemaker/ICD Circuitry/Remote TelemetrySection 2 CLINICAL CONCEPTS Chapter 8---Device Nomenclature Chapter 9---Basic Physiology and Hemodynamics of Cardiac Pacing, including ventricular contraction and resynchronization Chapter 10---Clinical Trials of Bradycardia Pacing Chapter 11---Clinical Trials of Defibrillator Therapy Chapter 12---Clinical Trials of Resynchronization Therapy Chapter 13---Pacing for Sinus Node Disease; including pacing for prevention of atrial tachycarrhythmias Chapter 14---Pacing for Conduction System Disease Chapter 15---Pacing for Neurally Mediated Syndromes (CSH, et al.) Chapter 16---Sensor Driven Pacing: Device Specifics: Activity, Accelerometers, MV, QT Chapter 17---Defibrillation testing, including ATP and preventive pacingSection 3 Implantation Techniques Chapter 18---Implantation of pacemakers and defibrillators Chapter 19---Implantation of the left ventricular lead Chapter 20---Approach to Pulse Generator Changes Chapter 21---Management of Implant Complications Chapter 22---Techniques and devices for lead extraction Chapter 23---Radiography of implantable devicesSection 4 DEVICE ELECTROCARDIOGRAPHY Chapter 24---Timing Cycles of Implantable Devices Chapter 25---Pacemaker Troubleshooting and follow-up (no BiV PM) Chapter 26---ICD Troubleshooting and follow-up (no BiV ICD) Chapter 27---Troubleshooting, follow-up and programming of BiV devices (including echo optimization) Chapter 28---Follow-up, and interpretation of implantable syncope monitors Chapter 29---EMI and Implantable Devices Chapter 30---Pediatric Pacing and Implantable Defibrillator Therapy