This unique book/CD package includes all the information needed to become proficient at pediatric cardiac auscultation - including an overview of cardiac anatomy and physiology, principles of cardiac auscultation, the pediatric cardiac exam, and explanations of normal and abnormal heart sounds, with sound tracings and anatomic illustrations. The audio CD features normal and abnormal heart sounds with descriptive narration that identifies differences and important observations.
Contents - Book 1. The Heart as a Pump 2. Sound, Hearing, and the Stethoscope 3. History and Physical Examination of the Child with Heart Disease 4. Phonocardiagraphy and the Recording of External Pulses 5. Auscultation Areas 6. The First Heart Sound (S1) 7. The Second Heart Sound (S2) 8. The Third and Fourth Heart Sounds (S3 and S4) 9. Other Systolic and Diastolic Sounds 10. General Characteristics of Murmurs 11. Systolic Murmurs 12. Diastolic Murmurs 13. Continuous Murmurs 14. Surgically Created Shunts and Prosthetic Valves 15. Complex Anomalies Glossary
Contents - Audio CD 1. Introduction 2. First and second heart sounds, S1 and S2 3. Third heart sound, S3 4. Fourth heart sound, S4 5. Quadruple rhythm 6. Summation gallop 7. Systolic ejection sound 8. Midsystolic click 9. Stills murmur 10. Murmur of mitral regurgitation 11. Murmur of tricuspid regurgitation 12. Murmur of aortic stenosis 13. Murmur of pulmonic stenosis 14. Murmur of aortic regurgitation 15. Murmur of patient ductus arteriosus 16. Cervical venous hum 17. Murmur of a Blalock-Taussig shunt 18. Murmur of a ventricular septal defect 19. Murmur of atrial septal defect 20. Late systolic whoop 21. Pericardial friction rub
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