This graduate-level textbook appeals to readers interested in the mathematical theory of disease transmission models. It is self-contained and accessible to readers who are comfortable with calculus, elementary differential equations, and linear algebra. The book provides insight into modeling:: Cross-immunity between different disease strains (such as influenza) and the synergistic interactions between multiple diseases (e.g., HIV and tuberculosis). Diseases transmitted by viral agents, bacteria, and vectors (e.g., mosquitos transmitting malaria to humans). Both epidemic and endemic disease occurrences.
Lecture 1:: Compartmental Epidemic Models Lecture 2:: Models for Endemic Diseases Lecture 3:: Heterogeneity in Epidemic Models Lecture 4:: Models Structured by Age Lecture 5:: Models for Diseases in Highly Mobile Populations Lecture 6:: Modeling Influenza Lecture 7:: Models for the Dynamics of Influenza Lecture 8:: Models for the Transmission Dynamics of HIV Lecture 9:: Dynamical Models of Tuberculosis and Applications Lecture 10:: Models for Sexually Transmitted Diseases
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