Biological Science:: Exploring the Science of Life responds to the key needs of lecturers and their students by placing a clear central narrative, carefully-structured active learning, and confidence with quantitative concepts and scientific enquiry central to its approach. Written by a team of dedicated and passionate academics, and shaped by feedback from over 55 institutions, its straightforward narrative, reinforced by key concept overview videos for every chapter, communicate key ideas clearly:: the right information is provided at the right time, and at the right depth. Its pause and think features, self-check quizzes, and graded end of chapter questions, augmented by flashcards of key terms, directly support active learning. The combination of narrative text and learning features promote a rich, active learning experience:: read, watch, and do. Its combination of Quantitative Toolkits, Scientific Process panels, and the Life and its Exploration chapters provide more insight and support than any other general biology text; they prepare students to engage with this quantitative and experimental discipline with confidence, and set them on a path for success throughout their future studies. With coverage that spans the full scale of biological science - from molecule to ecosystem - and with an approach that fully supports flexible, self-paced learning, Biological Science:: Exploring the Science of Life will set you on a path towards a deeper understanding of the key concepts in biology, and a greater appreciation of biology as a dynamic experimental science. Digital formats and resources Biological Science:: Exploring the Science of Life is available for students and institutions to purchase in a variety of formats. The enhanced digital version is enriched with features that offer extra learning support:: - Key concepts videos support students from the start of every chapter and as they make their way through every Module. - Self-check questions at the end of each chapter section give students quick and formative feedback, building their confidence and comprehension as they study and revise. - Quantitative skills video screencasts help students to master the foundational skills required by this discipline. - Interactive figures give students the control they need to step through, and gain mastery over, key concepts. - Per-chapter flashcard glossaries help students to recall the key terms and concepts on which further study can be built.
Life and its Exploration: Foundational Principles; Topic 1: Exploring the science of life; Topic 2: The emergence of life on Earth; Topic 3: Defining Life; Topic 4: Evolutionary processes; Topic 5: The diversity, organisation, and classification of life; Quantitative Toolkits; Quantitative Toolkit 1: Understanding data; Quantitative Toolkit 2: Size and scale; Quantitative Toolkit 3: Describing data; Quantitative Toolkit 4: Ratio and proportion; Quantitative Toolkit 5: Understanding samples; Quantitative Toolkit 6: Designing experiments; Quantitative Toolkit 7: Assessing patterns; Quantitative Toolkit 8: Formulae and equations; Quantitative Toolkit 9: Rates of change; Module 1 LIFE AT THE MOLECULAR LEVEL; Building blocks: molecules and macromolecules; Energy: powering biochemical processes; Information: genes and genomes; Mendelian genetics; Reading the genome: gene expression and protein synthesis; Proteins and proteomes; Metabolism: energy capture and release from food; Molecular tools and techniques; Module 2 LIFE AT THE CELLULAR LEVEL; Characteristics of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells; Cell division in prokaryotes and eukaryotes; Microbial diversity; The growth, measurement, and visualisation of cells; Microbes in life: harnessing their power; Microbes as agents of infectious disease; Viruses; Module 3 THE HUMAN ORGANISM: TISSUES, ORGANS, AND SYSTEMS; Physiology overview; Communication and control 1: introducing the nervous and endocrine systems; Communication and control 2: sensory systems; Communication and control 3: controlling organ systems; Muscle and movement; Cardiovascular system; Respiratory system; Exercise physiology; Renal system; Digestive system; Reproductive system; Immune system; Module 4 ORGANISMAL DIVERSITY: STRUCTURE, ADAPTATION, AND SURVIVAL; The structure of living organisms; Body plans; Interaction with the external environment; Movement, locomotion, and migration; Defence against predation and invasion; Reproduction and development; Module 5 ORGANISMS IN THEIR ENVIRONMENTS; Fundamental concepts: ecology, evolution, species, and speciation; Genes: evolutionary change in alleles, genotypes, and phenotypes; Populations: quantifying demographics and modelling change; Communities: species interactions and biodiversity metrics; Ecosystems: abiotic interactions and environmental processes; Challenges: key threats to ecosystems; Solutions: managing, conserving, and restoring ecosystems;
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