Tools and Techniques in the Biomolecular Sciences reviews the theoretical concepts and experimental details underpinning the broad range of modern technologies that are currently being used to advance our understanding of the biomolecular sciences. Each chapter focuses on the theoretical principles of a given technology, and its applications and limitations, before using worked examples to illustrate the nature of the data a particular technique generates. Fostering active engagement with the techniques presented, each chapter uses worked examples and problems to encourage the reader to critically appraise scientific data and select the most appropriate methods when designing an experimental strategy to undertake their own research. Its straightforward style and clear explanations make Tools and Techniques in the Biomolecular Sciences the ideal resource for any student or early-stage researcher who is looking to develop a firm understanding of the range of experimental tools at their disposal. Online Resource Centre:: For registered adopters:: Figures from the book in electronic format For students:: Additional questions for students, with model answers Journal Clubs - selected papers and discussion papers related to topics featured in the book
Gene Cloning Essentials David Hornby & Qaiser I Sheikh; PCR Martin Evison; DNA Mutagenesis Sarah E. Deacon & Michael J. McPherson; DNA Sequencing Tania Slatter & Alison Fitches; Measuring DNA/Protein Interactions Luis Acevedo, Ana Sanz, Paul Labhart & Mary Anne Jelinek; RNA Interference Technology Gavin Batman, Thomas Walker & Ian Hampson; Recombinant Protein Expression Michael Harrison & Michael J. McPherson; Protein Purification Iain Manfield; Antibodies as Research Tools Gavin Allsop & John Colyer; Measuring Protein-Protein Interactions: Qualitative Approaches Johanna M. Avis & Sanjay Nilapwar; Measuring Protein-Protein Interactions: Quantitative Approaches Johanna M. Avis & Sanjay Nilapwar; Structural Analysis of Proteins: X-ray Crystallography, NMR, AFM, and CD spectroscopy Thomas Edwards, Arwen Pearson, Gary Thompson, Arnout Kalverda, Oliver Farrance, David Brockwell & Gareth Morgan; Mass Spectrometry James R. Ault and Alison E. Ashcroft; Proteomic Analysis Richard Unwin; Culturing Mammalian Cells Geoffrey J Pilkington, Suzanne M. Birks & Laura K. Donovan; Flow Cytometry John Lawry; Bioimaging: Light and Electron Microscopy Gareth Howell & Kyle Dent; Histopathology in Biomolecular Research Noelyn Hung & Tania Slatter; Mouse Models in Bioscience Research Brian Corbett & Jeannie Chin; Mathematical Models in Biomolecular Sciences Josie Athens;
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