In this issue of Anesthesiology Clinics, guest editor Ashley M. Shilling brings her considerable expertise to the topic of Sports Anesthesia. The issue is composed of several articles that pertain to the perioperative management of the orthopedic patient, including patients undergoing knee procedures, foot and ankle surgery, shoulder surgery, and more.
Unique Medical Considerations for the Athlete Undergoing Anesthesia Regional Anesthesia for Athletes Undergoing Upper Extremity Procedures: Techniques and Considerations Anesthesia for the Patient Undergoing Shoulder Surgery Regional Anesthesia for Hip Arthroscopy Anesthesia for the Patient Undergoing Knee Procedures Anesthesia for the Patient Undergoing Foot and Ankle Surgery Safety Considerations for Outpatient Arthroplasty Regional Anesthesia in the Elite Athlete Local Anesthetics, Local Anesthetic Systemic Toxicity (LAST), and Liposomal Bupivacaine Continuous Catheter Techniques Regional Anesthesia Complications and Contraindications A Look Forward and a Look Back: The Growing Role of ERAS Protocols in Orthopedic Surgery
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