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Basic Anesthesia Review

Basic Anesthesia Review

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Basic Anesthesia Review provides a comprehensive knowledge review for all second-year US Anesthesiology residents taking the American Board of Anesthesiologys (ABA) Basic Exam.

A companion to Advanced Anesthesia Review, this essential review features concise and readable chapters covering the relevant knowledge and concepts as determined by the ABAs curriculum. While multiple books are available for board review, very few have published since the ABA restructured board examinations. Basic Anesthesia Review is organized topically according to the most recently published ABA curriculum and highlights ABA key words along with bulleted key points to reinforce key concepts and facts.

  • A companion to Advanced Anesthesia Review
  • Covers the essential knowledge and concepts for the American Board of Anesthesiologys (ABA) Basic Exam
  • Features concise, tightly written, topically-focused chapters that are quick and easy to read
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216 x 279
    1. Topographical Anatomy as Landmarks
    2. General radiographic anatomy
    3. Neck anatomy
    4. Chest
    5. Back and Pelvis
    6. Extremities
    7. Dermatome anatomy
    8. Brain and Skull
    9. Spine anatomy
    10. Abdominal Wall
    11. Upper Extremity
    12. Lower Extremity
    13. Pressure Measurement of Gases, Liquids
    14. Transducers, Regulators, Medical Gas Cylinders
    15. Principles of Ultrasound
    16. Flow Velocity
    17. Flowmeters
    18. Principles of Doppler Ultrasound
    19. Properties of Liquids, Gases, and Vapors
    20. Vapor Pressure and Calculation of Anesthetic Concentrations
    21. Vaporizer Types and Safety Features
    22. Uptake and Distribution of Inhalation Agents
    23. Uptake and Elimination Curves
    24. Concentration Effect
    25. Second Gas Effect
    26. Nitrous Oxide and Closed Spaces
    27. Principles
    28. Components
    29. Circle Systems
    30. Non-Circle Systems
    31. Portable Ventilation Devices
    32. Carbon Dioxide Absorption
    33. Toxicity of Inhaled Anesthetics
    34. Oxygen Supply Systems
    35. Waste Gas Evacuation Systems
    36. Safety Features (include disconnect monitors, line isolation monitors, and current leakage)
    37. Monitoring Methods
    38. Neuromuscular Function
    39. Mechanism of Pulmonary Ventilation
    40. Methods of Monitoring Oxygen
    41. Blood Pressure Monitoring Methods
    42. Heart Function: Heart tones, EKG, and Echo
    43. Echocardiography
    44. Gas Concentrations
    45. Pressure Transducers
    46. Neurologic Function Monitors.
    47. Fluid Warmers and Autotransfusion Devices
    48. Body Warming Devices
    49. Mechanical Ventilators
    50. Defibrillators: Basic Physics and Anesthetic Implications
    51. Electrical; Fire and Explosion Hazards; Basic Electronics
    52. Intravascular Pumps
    53. Statistics and Simple Math in Anesthesia Practice
    54. Pharmacokinetics and PHarmacodynamoics
    55. Drug Absroption and Distribution
    56. Pharmokinetics of Neuraxial Anesthesia
    57. Tolerance and Tachyphylaxis
    58. Termination of Action
    59. Impact of Renal Disease
    60. Impact of Hepatic Disease
    61. Drug Internations
    62. Hepatic Blood Flow
    63. Drug-Drug Binding
    64. Alternative and Herbal Medicines: Perioperative Implications
    65. Drug Reactions
    66. Anesthetics: Gases and Vapors
    67. Minimum Alveolar Concentration (MAC)
    68. Trace Concentrations, OR Pollution, Personnel Hazards
    69. Comparative Pharmacodynamics of Inhaled Anesthetics
    70. Intravenous Opioid Anesthetics
    71. Substance Use Disorder
    72. Epidural and Intrathecal Anesthesia
    74. Propofol
    75. Etomidate
    76. Benzodiazepines
    77. Ketamine
    78. Dexmedetomidine
    79. Thiopental
    80. Sodium Bicarbonate
    81. Nitroglycerin and Sodium Nitroprusside
    82. Nicardipine and Other Antihypertensive Medications
    83. Calcium Channel Blockers
    84. Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitors
    85. Anticonvulsants
    86. Local Anesthetics
    87. Muscle Relaxants
    88. Medication Assisted Opioid Withdrawal
    89. Agents and Technqieus in Pediatric Anesthesiology
    Anesthesia Procedures, Methods, and Techniques
    90. American Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) Preoperative Testing Guidelines
    91. American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines for Perioperative Cardiovascular Evaluation
    92. ASA Classification
    93. Prepartion for Anesthesia/Premedication
    94. Interaction with Chronic Drug Therapy
    95. Adverse Reactions to Premedications
    96. Drug Abuse
    97. Intraocular Pressure
    98. Uremia
    99. Increased Cerebro Spinal Fluid Pressure
    100. Chronic Steroid Ingestion
    101. Obstructive Sleep Apnea
    102. Depression
    103. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
    104. Hypertension
    105. Malignancy
    106. Pediatric and Geriatric Doses, Routes of Administration
    107. Anesthetic Management of Patients with Allergies
    108. NPO and Full Stomach Status
    109. Alteration of Gastric Fluid Volume and pH, Sphincter Tone
    110. Continuation versus Discontinuation of Chronic Medications
    111. Prophylactic Cardiac Risk Reduction
    112. Prophylactic Antibiotics
    113. COMA
    114. Minimal Invasive Cardiac Surgery
    115. Abdonimal Aortic Aneurysm
    116, Anesthetic Choice in Reduced Renal Function
    117. Fluid Replacement Strategies and Controversies
    118. Problems of Termy and Delivery
    119. Nonobstetric Surgery During Pregnancy
    Regional Anesthesia
    120. Spinal, Epidural, Caudal, Combined Spinal/Epidural
    121. Intravenous Regional Anesthesia
    122. Neuroaxial Anesthesia in Obstetrics
    General Anesthesia
    123. Stages and Signs of Anesthesia
    124. Techniques of General Anesthesia
    125. Assessment/Identification of Difficult Airway
    126. Techniques for Managing Airway
    127. Airway Devices
    128. Surgical Airway
    129. Endobronchial Intubation
    130. Types of Endotracheal Tubes
    131. Supraglottic Secretion Sunctioning and LASER Safety Protocols
    132. Intravenous Fluid Therapy During Anesthesia
    133. Colloids, Albumin, Hetastarch, and Pentastarch
    134. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocol for Fluid Therapy
    135. Acute Postoperative and Posttraumatic Pain
    136. Indications and Contraindications: Outpatient Pediatric Anesthesia in an Ambulatory Surgical Center
    Common Complications
    137. Trauma
    138. Vascular Injuries
    139. Neurological Complications
    140. Bruns
    141. Chronic Environmental Exposure
    142. Hypothermia
    143. Nonmalignant Hyperthermia
    144. Acetylcholinesterase-inhibitor Toxicity
    145. Bronchospasm
    146. Latex Allergy
    147. Laryngospasm
    148. Postobstructive Pulmonary Edema
    149. Aspiration of Gastric Contents
    150. Malignant Hyperthermia
    151. Pain Relief
    152. Opiods
    153. Agonist-Antogonists
    154. Alpha-2 Agonists
    155. NSAIDS
    156. N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) Receptor Antagonists
    157. Tricyclic Antidepressants
    158. Slective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRIs)
    159. Other Modalities
    160. Acupuncture and Hypnosis
    161. Respiratory Consequences of General and Regiona Anesthesia
    162. Cardiovascualr Consequences of General and Regional Anesthesia
    163. Nausea and Vomiting
    164. Neuromusclar Complications of Anesthesia
    165. Neurologic Conseuqneces of Anesthesia
    Central Nervous System
    166. Cerebral Cortex: Functional Organization
    167, Subcortical Areas
    168. Cerebral Blood Flow
    169. Pathophysiology of Ischemia/Hypoxia: Global vs. Focal, Glucose Effects
    170. Efffects of Brain Trauma or Tumors
    171. Cerebrospinal Fluid
    172. Blood-Brain Barrier
    173. Relation to Blood Chemistry and Acid-Base Balance
    174. Increased Intracranial Pressure
    175. Genreal Organization
    176. Spinal Cord Reflexes
    177. Spinal Cord Tracts
    178. Spinal Cord Morphology
    179. Neuromuscular Transmission
    180. Social, Vocational, and Psychological Influences on Pain Perception
    181. Sex, Gender, and Age Differences in Pain and Pain Perception
    Automatic Nervous System
    182. The Sympathetic Nervous System
    183. The Parasympathetic Nervous System
    184. Termination of Action
    185. Ganglionic Transmition
    186. Autonomic Reflexes
    187. Afferent and Efferent Limbs
    Temperature Regulation
    188. Temperature Sensing, Heat Production, and Conservation
    189. Temperature Regulating Centers
    190. Heat Loss Mechanisms
    191. Body Temperature Measurement
    192. Effect of Drugs/Anesthetic Technique on Temperature Regulation
    Brain Anatomy
    193. Cerebral Cortex
    194. Cerebellum
    195. Brain Stem: Anatomy and Critical Role in Nausea and Vomiting
    196. Respiratory Cneters
    197. Reticular Activating System
    198. Cerebral Circulation; Circle of Willis, Venous Sinuses and Drainage
    Spinal Cord and Spine
    199. Variations in Vertebral Configuration
    200. Spinal Nerves
    201. Blood Supply
    202. Sacral Nerves
    203. Meninges
    204. Cranial Nerves
    205. Carotid and Aortic Bodies, Carotid Sinus
    206. Ganglia, Rami Communicantes, Sympathetic Chain
    207. Nociception
    208. Periphera Nociceptors
    209. Ascending Pathways and Descending inhibition
    Respiratory System
    210. Lung Functions, Cellular Processes, and Surfactants
    211. Lung Volumes and Capacities
    212. Pulmonary Function Tests and Spirometry
    213. Static, Dynamic Compliance and Airway Resistance
    214. Pleural Pressure Gradient, Flow-Vlume Loops and Hysteresis, Surfactant, Laplace Law
    215. Work of Breathing
    216. Regulation of Airway Caliber
    217. Ventilation: Perfusion
    218. Distribution of Ventilation
    219. Distribution of Perfusion
    220. Alveolar Gas Equation
    221. Diffusion and Pulmonary Diffusion Capacity
    222. Apneic Oxygenation and Diffusion Hypoxia
    223. Blood Gas
    224. Oxygen Transport
    225. Carbon Dioxide Transport
    226. Systemic Effects of Hypercarbia and Hypocarbia
    227. Systemic Effects of Hyperoxia and Hypoexemia
    228. Basic Interpretation of Arterial Blood Gas and Temperature Correction
    229. Repiratory Centers
    230. Central and Peripheral Chemoreceptors
    231. CO2 Response Curves
    232. Non-Repiratory Functions of Lungs: Metabolic, Immune
    233. Perioperative Smoking and Caffeine Use
    234. Special Considerations in Pediatric Otolaryngology Surgery
    235. Respiratory and Congenital Pediatric Airway Problems
    236. Nasal Anatomy and Pathology
    237. Pharynx
    238. Larynx
    239. Innervation
    240. Vocal Cords
    241. Differences Between Infant and Adult Airway
    242. Structure and Relationships in Neck and Chest
    243. Muscles of Respiration
    244. The Tracheobronchial Tree
    245. Beta-Agonists
    246. Anticholinergics
    247. Steroids
    248. Leukotriene Modifier Drugs
    249. Mast Cell Stabilizers
    250. Immunoglobulin E Blockers
    251. Cocaine Pharmacology
    Cardiovascular System
    252. Cardiac Cycle
    253. Control of Heart Rate
    254. Perioperative Use of Alcohol
    255. Synchronicity of Pressure
    256. Impulse Propagation
    257. Normal ECG and Electrophysiology
    258. Ventricular Function
    259. The Frank-Starling Law
    260. Force, Velocity, Length, Rate of Shortening
    261. Myocardial Contractility
    262. Myocardial Oxygen Utilization/Consumption
    263. Systolic and Diastolic function
    264. Cardiac Output: Fick Principle
    265. Venous Return
    266. Vessel Function
    267. Blood Volume and Distribution
    268. Blood Pressure
    269. Systolic, Diastolic, Mean, and Perfusion Pressures
    270. Intracardiac, Pulmonary and Venous Pressures
    271. Baroreceptor Function
    272. Systemic, Pulmonary Vascular Resistance and Viscosity
    273. Capillary Diffusion, Osmotic Pressure, Starlings Law
    274. Pre- and Post- Capillary Sphincter Control in Shock
    275. Viscosity
    276. Regional Blood Flow and Its Regulation
    277. Regulation of Circulation and Blood Volume
    278. Basics of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
    279. Coronary Circulation
    280. Cardiac Glycosides
    281. Heart Conduction System
    282. Phosphodiesterase III Inhibitors (Inotropic Dilators)
    283. Antiarrythmics
    284. Vasopressors and Inotropes
    285. Antianginal Drugs
    286. Angiotensin Converting Enzyme Inhibitors and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers
    287. Vasodilators
    288. Electrolytes
    289. Non-Adrenergic Vasoconstrictors
    Gastrointestinal/Hepatic Systems
    290. Hepatic Function and Metabolism
    291. Enhanced Recovery After Colorectal Surgery
    292. Anatomy of the Gastrointestinal and Hepatic System
    Renal System
    293. Renal and Urinary Systems/Electrolyte Balance
    294. Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System
    295. Anatomy of the Kidney
    296. Diuretics
    297. Dopaminergic Drugs
    Hematologic System
    298. Alternatives to Blood Transfusion
    299. Blood Transfusions
    300. Immunosuppressive and Anti-Rejection Drugs
    301. Transfusion Indications
    302.Complications of Transfusions
    303. Blood Preservation, Storage
    304. Blood Filters and Pumps
    305. Effects of Cooling and Heating
    306. Preparation for Transfusion
    307. Anesthetic Considerations for Reactions to Transfusions
    308. Synthetic and Recombinant Hemoglobins
    309. Massive Transfusion Protocol
    310. Anticoagulants, Antithrombotics, and Anti-Platelet Drugs
    Endocrine and Metabolic Systems
    311. Hypothalamus
    312. Pituatary Gland
    313. Thyroid
    314. Parathyroid Gland
    315. Adrenal Gland and Pancreas
    316. Adrenal Disease
    317. Biochemistry of Normal Body Metabolism
    318. Carbohydrates, Aerobic and Anaerobic Utilization, Chemical Processes and Enzymes
    319. Relationship to Hormones
    320. Glucagon and Caecholamines
    321. Effects of Stress
    322. Perioperative Management of Insulin
    323. Protein Function as Immunoglobulins and Hormones
    324. Protein Synthesis Structure, and Function
    325. Cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (CAMP), Cyclic Guanosine Monophosphate (CGMP)
    326. Lipids: Triglycerides, Lipoproteins, Cholestorol
    327. Specific Organ Metabolism
    Neuromuscular Diseases and Disorders
    328. Prejunctional Components and Events
    329. Posjunctional Components and Events
    330. Perijunctional Channels
    Special Problems in Anesthesiology
    331. Physician Impairment and Disability: Substance Abuse, Fatigue, Aging, Visual and Auditory Impairment, American Disabilities Act
    332. Physician Wellness
    333.Professionalism and Licensure
    334. Ethics: Advance Directive, DNR/Suspend Orders, HIPAA
    335. Informed Consent
    336. Medical Errors
    337. Shared Decision-Making
    338. Disclosure of Errors to Patients
    339. Core Competencies
    340. Approach to Anesthesiology Exams: BASIC and ADVANCED

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