This new, multi-contributed book is a comprehensive yet highly practical guide to pharmacology, with emphasis on its clinical application in anaesthesia. As well as the traditional core information on drugs available to the anaesthetist, it covers the implications of physiological/pathophysiological status of patients on their response to anaesthetic intervention. Readability and user-friendliness are ensured throughout, with chapters structured according to a standard template and the use of original two-colour figures.
Basic Principles Cellular Mechanisms of Drug Action (Bovill) Principles of Pharmacokinetics (White) Pharmacodynamic Principles (Bovill & Engbers)
Drugs Acting on the Central Nervous System Inhalational Anaesthetics (Scurr, Khan & Jones) Intravenous Anaesthetics (Windsor, Bowen & Sebel) Hypnotics and Sedatives (Bovill) Opioids (Bovill) Drugs for Psychiatric Disorders and Epilepsy (Woda & Reeves)
Drugs Acting on the Peripheral Nervous System Pharmacology of the Autonomic Nervous System (Samain & Marty) Neuromuscular Blocking Drugs (Meisterlman & Plaud) Local Anaesthetics (Burm & van Kleef) Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (Souter & White)
Cardiovascular Pharmacology Inotropic Drugs (Wartier & Pagel) Antiarrhythmic Drugs (Frenkel & Hoeft) Drugs in the Management of Hypertension (James & Opie) Calcium Entry Blockers (van Wezel, van der Stroom, Vroom & Pfaffendorf Vasodilators (Milner & Latimer)
Other Systems and Special Topics Drugs Acting on the Respiratory System (Schuster & Dorinsky) Histamine and Histamine Agonists (Bovill) Diuretics (Sladen) Endocrine Systems and Metabolic Disorders (Howie) Gastrointestinal Pharmacology (Harter & Christofi) Chemotherapy of Infections (Mattie & van den Broek) Chemotherapeutic (Antineoplastic) Agents (Desiderio) Immunosuppressive Drugs (ten Berge, Surachno, Wilmink & Schellekens) Coagulation (Royston) Anaphylaxis and Other Adverse Reactions During Anaesthesia (Bhaskaran & Peacock) Drug Interactions in Anaesthesia (Vuyk) Drugs in Special Patient Populations (Swanton & Blunnie)
APPENDICES (UK vs USA drug names)
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