Undergraduate medical education is continuously changing to meet the requirements for the training of future medical practitioners. Over the last few years the concept of perioperative medicine has evolved, encompassing the preoperative assessment and optimisation of patients, the intraoperative and postoperative management of these patients and importantly the diagnosis and treatment of the critically ill patient. The relevance of this to undergraduate medical students is obvious. Core Topics in Perioperative Medicine provides concise, informative chapters on many aspects of perioperative medicine, allowing medical students to bridge the gap between final year clinical attachments in this specialty, and first year house officer jobs. It aims to guide the reader through the perioperative period via short, up-to-date chapters, each giving a comprehensive account of the subject and its relevance to perioperative medicine.
Preface; 1. Perioperative management of cardiovascular disease John McNamara; 2. Perioperative management of respiratory disease Tim Clarke; 3. Perioperative care of children Warren Fisher; 4. Perioperative management of the obese patient Anand Sardasai; 5. Perioperative management of the elderly patient Karen Pedersen; 6. Perioperative management of emergency surgery Jeremy Lermitte and Jonathan Hudsmith; 7. Perioperative fluid management Iain MacKenzie; 8. Perioperative management of coagulation Andy Johnston; 9. Perioperative management of steroid therapy Fraz Mir and Michael Lindop; 10. Perioperative management of endocrine disease Dan Wheeler and Ingrid Wilkins; 11. Perioperative management of diabetes Mike Masding and Wendy Gatling; 12. Causes and treatment of aspiration Paul Hughes; 13. Transfusion and blood products Andy Johnston; 14. The critically ill patient Bilas Navapurkar; 15. Inotropes Andy Gregg; 16. Arterial blood gases Simon Fletcher; 17. Drugs used in anaesthesia and sedation Mike Palmer; 18. Local anaesthetics Sue Abdy; 19. Monitoring used in the perioperative period Ian Bridgland and Katrina Williams; 20. Deep vein thrombosis and thrombo-embolic disease prophylaxis Jonathan Hudsmith; 21. Postoperative nausea and vomiting Pete Young; 22. The management of perioperative pain Parameswaran Pillai and Richard Neal; 23. High dependency and recovery units Helen Smith; 24. Postoperative hypoxia Mark Abrahams; 25. Postoperative hypotension Chris Sharpe; 26. Postoperative complications Dan Wheeler and Jeremy Lermitte; 27. Perioperative scenarios Dan Wheeler and Parameswaran Pillai; 28. Multiple choice questions Quentin Milner; Index.
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