Global ageing, in both developed and undeveloped countries, has made the need for high-quality knowledge and research on anaesthesia for the elderly increasingly important. The second edition of Anaesthesia for the Elderly Patient offers the anaesthetist guidance on the evaluation and management of elderly patients that present at hospital for surgery and anaesthesia. Containing 15 chapters on key topics such as emergency anaesthesia, orthopaedic surgery, and neurosurgery,as well as a new chapter on Anaesthesia for Non-Theatre Environments, this book ensures the reader is fully prepared for the clinical challenges they may face when working with this ever-growing vulnerable group. Part of the Oxford Anaesthesia Library series, this second edition of Anaesthesia for the Elderly Patient offers a fully up-to-date comprehensive introduction to the major clinical issues facing anaesthetists working with elderly patients. All chapters are fully updated and content is presented in a concise and easy to read format, with helpful key points listed at the start of each chapter.
Definitions, social trends and epidemiology; Pathophysiological changes of ageing and their relevance to anaesthesia; Anaesthetic pharmacology in the elderly; Pre-operative assessment and preparation of elderly patients undergoing major surgery; Day case anaesthesia in the elderly; Emergency anaesthesia in the elderly; Anaesthesia for orthopaedic surgery in the elderly; Anaesthesia for major abdominal surgery in the elderly; Neurosurgery in the elderly; Urological and gynaecological surgery in the elderly; Post-operative care and analgesia; Intensive care and the elderly; Non-theatre anaesthesia and the elderly; Cognitive dysfunction and sleep disorders; Ethics and the law involving elderly;
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