This full revised review book presents over 1,000 multiple-choice questions designed to test knowledge of one or more pertinent topics and principles of the practice of anesthesiology. It is an excellent tool for exam review. Answers and concise explanations for each question are listed in the back of the book. Topics covered include:: physics, pharmacology, physiology, equipment, general anesthesia, and subspecialty aspects of the practice.
Anesthesia Equipment and Physics Respiratory Physiology and Critical Care Medicine Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics of Intravenous Drugs Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics of Volatile Anesthetics
Part II: Clinical Sciences
Blood Products, Transfusion, and Fluid Therapy General Anesthesia Pediatric Physiology and Anesthesia Obstetric Physiology and Anesthesia Neurologic Physiology and Anesthesia Anatomy, Regional Anesthesia, and Pain Management Cardiovascular Physiology and Anesthesia
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