Management of a patient with a difficult airway has undergone significant changes in recent years, with the introduction of both new guidelines and equipment. Chapters cover basic topics such as recognition of a difficult airway and general principles of management and then move onto more complicated topics such as the anticipated and unanticipated difficult airway scenarios. New equipment is outlined and reviewed, and a chapter focuses on extubation and its importance. Thebook also includes a chapter on management in common clinical settings and a separate chapter covers paediatric airway management. This book summarises the most up-to-date literature in a style that has direct clinical application to busy healthcare professionals. Designed to give readers a greater insight into the management of difficult airway as a clinical entity, this pocketbook is the ideal easy reference guide.
Difficult airway: definitions, incidence and consequences; Difficult airway management: general principles; Basic anatomical, physiological and pharmacological principles of difficult airway management; Pre-operative airway assessment; Management of the anticipated difficult airway: without clinical upper airway obstruction; Management of the anticipated difficult airway: the patient with critical upper airway obstruction; Awake fibreoptic intubation; Management of the unanticipated difficult airway: the cant intubate, can ventilate scenario; Unanticipated difficult airway intubation: cant intubate, cant ventilate (CICV) scenario; Difficult airway in special situations; Management of paediatric difficult airway; Extubation and re-intubation strategy; New airway devices for difficult airway management; Airway training;
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