Motivational Perspectives on Chronic Pain is one of the first volumes to present a cohesive account of the adaptation to chronic pain from a motivational perspective. Contributing authors from diverse areas of pain research offer comprehensive summaries of the concepts, findings, and applied methodologies that converge on the role of goals and goal-related cognitive processes, self-regulatory support mechanisms, contextual forces, and emotionality as they influence (and areinfluenced by) the experience of chronic pain. This volume provides readers with an up-to-date compendium of cutting-edge research and interventions that collectively illustrate the utility of viewing chronic pain neither as a disease nor an imposed lifestyle, but as the emergent and potentially flexible product of a complex transactional system that is bounded by both sociocultural factors and by biogenetic and neural moderating forces. Within its pages, chapters capture the vibrancy of current theory, research, and practice whilepointing toward unexplored new directions. Among the important topics addressed by this distinguished group of authors include:: the nature and relevance of control systems, the role of neural mechanisms on pain processing, the influence positive and negative emotion regulation play on pain management, theimpact of learning and conditioning, and the often neglected influence of interpersonal processes on adjustment to chronic pain.
Preface; SECTION I: Fundamental Concepts and Models; Chapter 1: A Goal-Center, Self-Regulatory Model of Motivation and its Relevance for Advancing the Study of Chronic Pain; Paul Karoly; Chapter 2: Neural Mechanisms Underlying Pain; Massieh Moayedi and Karen D. Davis; Chapter 3: Emotion Regulation and Cognitive Control in Pain Processing; Nancy A. Hamilton, Ruth Ann Atchley, Lauren Boddy, Erik Benau, and Ronald Freche; Chapter 4: Learning and Conditioning in Chronic Pain; Johan W.S. Vlaeyen; Chapter 5: Stress and Sensitization in Chronic Pain; Dieuwke S. Veldhuijzen, Henriët van Middendorp, and Andrea W.M. Evers; SECTION II: Current Motivational Research; Chapter 6: Pain and Attention: Towards a Motivational Account; Dimiti van Ryckeghem and Geert Crombez; Chapter 7: Chronic Pain and Interpersonal Processes: A Need-Based Approach; Sara Kindt, Liesbet Goubert, Maarten Vansteenkiste, and Tine Vervoort; Chapter 8: Avoidance and Endurance in Chronic Pain: A Self-Regulation Perspective; Monika I. Hasenbring and Hanne Kindermanns; Chapter 9: Chronic Pain and Goal Conflict/Frustration; Nathalie Claes and Winifred Gebhardt; Chapter 10: Chronic Pain and Psychopathology: Exploring the Motivational Context and its Clinical Implications; Paul Karoly; SECTION III: Applied Considerations; Chapter 11: Motivational Interviewing and Pain Management; Mark P. Jensen; Chapter 12: A Motivational Perspective on Coping with Pain; Stefaan Van Damme and Geert Crombez; Chapter 13: The Nature and Adaptive Implications of Pain-Affect Dynamics; Mary C. Davis, Chung Mun, Dhwani Kothari, Shannon Moore, Crys Rivers, Kirti Thummala, and Giulia Weyrich; Chapter 14: Motivation from the Perspective of Contextual Cognitive Behavioral Approaches and the Psychological Flexibility Model; Lance McCracken and Whitney Scott; Chapter 15: Enhancing Pain Self-Management via Internet-Based Technology; Linda Ruehlman and Marian Wilson;
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