The 8th edition of Wolffs Headache and Other Head Pain remains the definitive reference text in the field. Understanding of headache and its management has improved significantly in the 21st century. A new international headache classification has been adopted, knowledge of headache pathophysiology and genetics has advanced, and epidemiologic studies have burgeoned. We have greater insights into the diagnosis and treatment of the secondary headaches. New treatments areavailable for primary headache disorders, including migraine, cluster, and chronic daily headache, with ongoing clinical trials producing new therapies. This edition incorporates all of these new developments, with all chapters updated and many new contributors added.
Preface; Foreword by Robert B. Daroff; I: General Considerations: Classification, Epidemiology and Mechanism; The History of Migraine from Hippocrates to Harold Wolff; The Last 50 Years of Headache History: A Personal Perspective; Overview of Diagnosis and Classification; Headache: Epidemiology and Impact; Neuroimaging and Other Diagnostic Testing in Headache; Anatomy and Physiology of Pain-Sensitive Cranial Structures; Pathophysiology of Headache; Pathophysiology of Aura; Genetics of Primary Headache; II: Diagnosis and Treatment of Primary Headache Disorders and their Complications; Migraine Diagnosis and Comorbidity; Migraine Treatment; Tension-Type Headache; Chronic Daily Headache Including Transformed Migraine, Chronic Tension-type Headache, and Medication Overuse Headache; Trigeminal Autonomic Cephalalgias: Diagnosis and Management; Other Primary Headaches; III: Diagnosis and Treatment of Secondary Headache Disorders; Headaches Associated with Head Trauma; Headaches Associated with Vascular Disorders (D); Headache Associated with Abnormalities in Intracranial Structure or Function: High Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure Headache and Brain Tumor; Headache Associated with Abnormalities in Intracranial Structure or Function: Low Cerebrospinal Fluid Pressure Headache; Infectious, Toxic, and Metabolic Headaches; Cervicogenic Headache; The Eye and Headache; Disorders of the Mouth and Teeth; Nasal Disease and Sinus Headache; Cranial Neuralgias and Other Causes of Facial Pain; Giant Cell Arteritis and Polymyalgia Rheumatica; IV: Special Topics; Headaches in Children; Headaches in Women; Headaches in the Elderly; Behavioral Management of Headaches; Emergency Headaches, Including Thunderclap Headaches; Peripheral Procedures: Nerve Blocks, Peripheral Neurostimulation, and Botulinum Neurotoxin Injections; Turning Treatment Failure into Treatment Success; Communicating in the Care of the Headache Patient; Index;
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