More and more dental professionals are finding that N2O/O2 is a reliable and efficient method of relieving pain, fear, and apprehension in patients undergoing surgical procedures - and is quickly and easily reversed without unwanted side effects. The third edition of this unique chairside handbook is an invaluable resource for this method of sedation. It provides step-by-step techniques of all the uses of N2O/O2 as a means of pain and anxiety management, and is written at a level that can be easily understood by dental students and professionals of all levels.
Part 1 Introduction to Nitrous Oxide/Oxygen Sedation 1. Discovery, History, and Evolution of N2O/O2 Sedation 2. Guidelines for Best Practice 3. Pain and Anxiety Management 4. Desirable Characteristics of N2O/O2 Sedation 5. Physical Properties and Pharmacokinetics/Pharmacodynamics of N2O/O2 6. Manufacturing and Distribution of N2O and O2 Gases 7. NEW! Delivery of N2O/O2 Sedation Part II Anatomy, Physiology, and Administration 8. Anatomy and Physiology of Respiration and Airway Management 9. N2O and Its Interactions with the Body 10. Patient Assessment 11. Titration of N2O/O2 Gases 12. Signs and Symptoms of N2O/O2 Sedation 13. Technique for N2O/O2 Administration and Assessment of Recovery 14. Multidisciplinary Application of N2O/O2 Sedation 15. N2O/O2 Sedation in Pediatric Dentistry Part III Issues of Special Consideration 16. Potential Biohazards for Health Personnel Associated with Chronic Exposure to N2O 17. N2O Abuse Issues 18. Ethical and Legal Considerations Regarding N2O Administration 19. Frequently Asked Questions Regarding N2O/O2 Sedation 20. Future Trends in N2O/O2 Sedation Appendices A. Safety Data Sheet - Nitrous Oxide B. Safety Data Sheet - Oxygen C. Blood Pressure Tables and Growth Charts for Boys and Girls D. Informed Consent for N2O/O2 Sedation E. Percent of N2O/O2 Administered F. Administration of N2O/O2 Sedation G. N2O/O2 Sedation Record H. Administration of N2O/O2 Sedation Clinical Competency Evaluation I. Economic Benefits Associated with N2O/O2 Sedation Index
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