Anesthesiologists Manual of Surgical Procedures, 5e is your top-to-bottom guide to anesthetic technique, containing everything you need to know for effective perioperative management of patients. With so many moving variables before, during, and after surgery, it’s crucial to understand the best practices for successful anesthetic care. This instructive text accounts for each variable immaculately, presenting all anesthetic considerations in a clear, templated format, detailing each treatment option then refining and summarizing all courses of action in easy-to-read tables. If you’re an anesthesiologist, anesthesia resident, or CRNA, this new Fifth Edition will guide you through all operative scenarios and ensure the highest standards of anesthetic practice. Features:: Full color illustrations and photographs Each procedure covered from both the surgeon and anesthesiologist’s perspectives Summary tables distill each procedure for easy review Electronic version includes links to procedures Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled interactive digital version edition, offering tablet, smartphone, or online access to:: Complete content with enhanced navigation A powerful search that pulls results from content in the book, your notes, and even the web Cross-linked pages, references, and more for easy navigation Highlighting tool for easier reference of key content throughout the text Ability to take and share notes with friends and colleagues Quick reference tabbing to save your favorite content for future use
1.0 NEUROSURGERY 1.1 Intracranial Neurosurgery Surgeons: Gary K. Steinberg, Robert L. Dodd, Sayed A. Karim, Lawrence M. Shuer, Steven D. Chang Anesthesiologist: Richard A. Jaffe Craniotomy for intracranial aneurysms Craniotomy for cerebral embolectomy Craniotomy for intracranial vascular malformations Craniotomy for extracranial-intracranial revascularization (EC-IC bypass) Craniotomy for tumor Considerations for awake craniotomy Craniotomy for skull tumor Craniotomy for trauma Microvascular decompression of cranial nerve Bifrontal craniotomy for csf leak Transoral or transnasal approach to the cervicomedullary junction and odontoid Transsphenoidal resection of pituitary tumor Ventricular shunt procedures Craniocervical decompression (Chiari malformation) Stereotactic neurosurgery 1.2 Functional Neurosurgery Surgeons: Jaimie M. Henderson, Paul R. Gigante, Lawrence M. Shuer Anesthesiologist: Richard A. Jaffe Functional neurosurgery—introduction: the surgical treatment of pain, movement disorders, and epilepsy Stereotactic procedures: deep brain stimulation, pallidotomy, and thalamotomy Surgical analgesics: spinal cord stimulation, intrathecal pumps, and cortical stimulation Vagus nerve stimulation Epilepsy surgery Surgery for spasticity Percutaneous procedures for trigeminal neuralgia 1.3 Spinal Neurosurgery Surgeons: Stephen I. Ryu, Lawrence M. Shuer Anesthesiologists: Adam P. Brown, C. Philip Larson, Jr. Anterior fusion/fixation of the upper cervical (C1-C2) spine Posterior fusion/fixation of the upper cervical spine Anterior fusion/fixation of the mid and lower cervical spine Posterior fusion/fixation of the mid and lower cervical spine Anterior cervicothoracic spine surgery Anesthetic considerations for cervical neurosurgical procedures Anterior thoracic spine surgery Posterior thoracic spine surgery Anterior lumbar/lumbosacral spine surgery Posterior lumbar spine surgery Posterior lumbar fusion and instrumentation Combined anterior and posterior instrumentation of the thoracic and lumbar spine Anesthetic considerations for thoracolumbar neurosurgical procedures 1.4 Carotid Endarterectomy Surgeons: Gary K. Steinberg, Robert L. Dodd Anesthesiologist: Richard A. Jaffe Carotid endarterectomy 2.0 OPHTHALMIC SURGERY Surgeons: Natalia F. Callaway, Darius M. Moshfeghi Anesthesiologist: Richard A. Jaffe Cataract extraction with intraocular lens insertion Corneal transplant Trabeculectomy Ectropion repair Entropion repair Ptosis repair Eyelid reconstruction Pterygium excision Repair of ruptured or lacerated globe Dacryocystorhinostomy (DCR) Enucleation Orbitotomy—anterior and lateral Retinal surgery 3.0 OTOLARYNGOLOGY - HEAD AND NECK SURGERY Surgeons: Michael J. Kaplan, Edward J. Damrose, Nikolas H. Blevins, Robert K. Jackler, Peter H. Hwang, Sarmela T. Sunder, Sam P. Most, Willard E. Fee, Jr., Robert W. Riley, Nelson B. Powell, Donald M. Sesso Anesthesiologists: Vladimir Nekhendzy, Brett L. Miller, Michael W. Champeau Introduction—surgeon’s perspective Introduction—anesthesiologist’s perspective Anesthetic management Laryngoscopy/bronchoscopy/esophagoscopy Tracheotomy/tracheostomy and cricothyroidotomy Intubation for epiglottitis Zenker’s diverticulectomy (open approach) Laryngeal framework surgery (thyroplasty, arytenoid adduction, injection laryngoplasty) Tracheal and cricotracheal resection Laryngectomy: partial and total Tonsillectomy and/or adenoidectomy Glossectomy Maxillectomy and orbit exenteration Composite resection with marginal or segmental mandibulectomy (and neck dissection) Neck dissection Lymph node biopsy Parotidectomy: superficial, total, or radical Submandibular gland excision Endoscopic sinus surgery External sinus surgery Nasal surgery (rhinoplasty, septoplasty, septorhinoplasty) Facial plastic surgery Otology and neurotology Neurotological skull base surgery Reconstructive surgery for sleep-disordered breathing 4.0 DENTAL SURGERY Surgeon: Stephen A. Schendel Anesthesiologist: Richard A. Jaffe Temporomandibular joint arthroscopy/arthrotomy Oral surgery Restorative dentistry 5.0 THORACIC SURGERY Surgeons: Robert E. Merritt, Walter B. Cannon Anesthesiologists: Vivek Kulkarni, Jay B. Brodsky Introduction—surgeon’s perspective Lobectomy, pneumonectomy Wedge resection of lung lesion Chest-wall resection Repair of pectus excavatum or carinatum Thoracoplasty Drainage of empyema Tracheal resection Excision of mediastinal tumor Mediastinoscopy Endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration Bronchoscopy—flexible and rigid Airway laser surgery Video-assisted thoracoscopy surgery (VATS) Thymectomy Excision of blebs or bullae Lung-volume reduction surgery Bronchopulmonary lavage Lung transplant 6.0 CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY 6.1 Cardiac Surgery Surgeon : R. Scott Mitchell Anesthesiologists: Linda E. Foppiano, Lawrence C. Siegel, Daryl Oakes Cardiopulmonary bypass Coronary artery bypass graft surgery Left ventricular aneurysmectomy Aortic valve replacement Mitral valve repair or replacement Tricuspid valve repair Septal myectomy/myotomy Pacemaker insertion Pericardiectomy 6.2 Minimally Invasive Cardiac Surgery Surgeons: James I. Fann, Clayton Kaiser Anesthesiologist: Lawrence C. Siegel Off-pump and minimally invasive coronary artery bypass grafting Port-access coronary revascularization Limited thoracotomy and port-access approaches to valve surgery Transcatheter valve replacement procedures 6.3 Vascular Surgery Surgeons: James I. Fann, R. Scott Mitchell, Clayton Kaiser, Stephen T. Kee, Michael D. Dake Anesthesiologist: Pieter J. A. van der Starre Carotid endarterectomy (vascular) Repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms Endovascular stent-grafting of aortic aneurysms Repair of acute aortic dissections Repair of aneurysms of the thoracoabdominal aorta Surgery of the abdominal aorta Infrainguinal arterial bypass Arterial embolectomy Lumbar sympathectomy Venous surgery—thrombectomy or vein excision Surgery for portal hypertension Arteriovenous access for hemodialysis Permanent vascular access Venous surgery—vein stripping and perforator ligation Varicose vein stripping and ablation 6.4 Heart/Lung Transplantation Surgeons : Hari R. Mallidi, Bruce A. Reitz Anesthesiologists : Daryl Oakes, Linda E. Foppiano Surgery for heart transplantation Surgery for lung and heart/lung transplantation 7.0 GENERAL SURGERY 7.1 Esophageal Surgery Surgeons: Richard I. Whyte, Jeffrey A. Norton Anesthesiologist: Vivek Kulkarni Esophagostomy Esophageal diverticulectomy Management of esophageal perforation Esophagomyotomy Esophagogastric fundoplasty Esophagectomy 7.2 Stomach Surgery Surgeons: Dan Eisenberg, Myriam J. Curet, Sherry M. Wren, Maureen M. Tedesco Anesthesiologists: Kevin A. Malott, Jay B. Brodsky, Jerry Ingrande Gastric resections Gastric or duodenal perforation Operations for peptic ulcer disease Open operations for morbid obesity Gastrostomy placement 7.3 Intestinal Surgery Surgeons: Jeffrey A. Norton, Harry A. Oberhelman Anesthesiologist: Kevin A. Malott Duodenotomy Open appendectomy Excision of Meckel’s diverticulum Enterostomy Continent ileostomy pouch (Kock) Small-bowel resection with anastomosis Enterolysis Closure of enteric fistulae 7.4 Colorectal Surgery Surgeons : Andrew A. Shelton, Carlos E. Pineda, Mark Lane Welton Anesthesiologists: Clifford A. Schmiesing, Alimorad G. Djalali Enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) Laparoscopic colorectal surgery Total proctocolectomy Segmental (partial) colectomy Stoma closure or peristomal hernia repair Operations for rectal prolapse Rectal surgery Anorectal surgery Surgery for anal fistulas Hemorrhoidectomy/stapled hemorrhoidopexy Operations for fecal incontinence 7.5 Hepatic Surgery Surgeons: Samuel K. S. So, Harry A. Oberhelman Anesthesiologist: Hendrikus J. M. Lemmens Hepatic resection Hepatorrhaphy 7.6 Biliary Tract Surgery Surgeon: C. Andrew Bonham Anesthesiologist: Hendrikus J. M. Lemmens Open cholecystectomy and common bile duct exploration Biliary drainage procedures Excision of bile duct tumor Choledochal cyst excision or anastomosis Anesthetic considerations for biliary tract surgery 7.7 Laparoscopic General Surgery Surgeons: Myriam J. Curet, Sherry M. Wren, Maureen M. Tedesco Anesthesiologists: Ruth M. Fanning, Clifford A. Schmiesing, Jay B. Brodsky, Jerry Ingrande, Brendan Carvalho Laparoscopic repair of perforated peptic ulcer Laparoscopic esophageal fundoplication Laparoscopic Heller myotomy ± antireflux procedure Laparoscopic cholecystectomy, ± common duct exploration Laparoscopic splenectomy Laparoscopic adrenalectomy Laparoscopic bowel resection Laparoscopic appendectomy Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair Laparoscopic bariatric surgery Anesthesia for laparoscopy in pregnancy 7.8 Pancreatic Surgery Surgeon: Jeffrey A. Norton Anesthesiologist: Martin S. Angst Operative drainage for pancreatitis Drainage of pancreatic pseudocyst Longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy Pancreatectomy Whipple resection 7.9 Peritoneal Surgery Surgeons: Jeffrey A. Norton, Harry A. Oberhelman Anesthesiologist: Martin S. Angst Exploratory or staging laparotomy Splenectomy Excision of intraabdominal, retroperitoneal tumors Drainage of subphrenic abscess Inguinal herniorrhaphy Femoral herniorrhaphy Repair of incisional hernia Repair of abdominal dehiscence 7.10 Breast Surgery Surgeons: Irene L. Wapnir, Stefanie S. Jeffrey Anesthesiologist: Clifford A. Schmiesing Breast biopsy Sentinel lymph node biopsy Breast-conserving surgery and mastectomy ± reconstruction 7.11 Endocrine Surgery Surgeons: Julia Park, Dana T. Lin, Ralph S. Greco Anesthesiologists: Sara Nikravan, Frederick G. Mihm Excision of thyroglossal duct cyst Thyroidectomy Parathyroidectomy Adrenalectomy 7.12 Liver/Kidney/Pancreas Transplantation Surgeons: Amy E. Gallo, Marc L. Melcher, Dev M. Desai, Carlos O. Esquivel Anesthesiologists: Timothy Angelotti, Hendrikus J. M. Lemmens Kidney transplantation—cadaveric and live-donor Cadaveric kidney/pancreas transplantation Live-donor nephrectomy—laparoscopic and open Kidney transplant nephrectomy Liver transplantation Living-donor liver transplantation Multiorgan procurement 7.13 Trauma Surgery Surgeons: Daniel J. Riskin, David A. Spain, Ronald Jou Anesthesiologist: Charles C. Hill Initial assessment and airway management for trauma surgery Emergency tube thoracostomy Emergency department thoracotomy Exploratory surgery for neck trauma Anesthetic considerations for neck trauma surgery Chest trauma: pericardial window, release of tamponade, repair of cardiac laceration Chest trauma: repair of great vessels Chest trauma: pneumonectomy, lobectomy, repair of tracheobronchial injury Abdominal trauma: damage control Abdominal trauma: hepatic and splenic injuries Abdominal trauma: vascular injuries Pediatric trauma 8.0 OBSTETRIC/GYNECOLOGIC SURGERY 8.1 Gynecologic Oncology Surgeons: Gina Westhoff, Nelson N. Teng Anesthesiologist: Clifford A. Schmiesing Staging laparotomy for ovarian, fallopian tube, and primary peritoneal cancer Interval, secondary cytoreductive, and second look assessment laparotomy Radical vulvectomy Conization of the cervix Anesthetic considerations for laser therapy to vulva, vagina, cervix Suction curettage for gestational trophoblastic disease Pelvic exenteration Exploratory laparotomy or laparoscopy, hysterectomy/bso for uterine cancer Radical hysterectomy Robotic-assisted laparoscopy and surgery in gynecologic oncology Interstitial perineal implants 8.2 Gynecology/Infertility Surgery Surgeons: Bertha Chen, Eva D. Littman, Amin A. Milki, Lynn M. Westphal, Brooke E. Friedman Anesthesiologist: Clifford A. Schmiesing Dilatation and curettage (D&C) Therapeutic abortion, dilatation, and evacuation (D&E) Hysteroscopy Pelvic laparotomy Transvaginal oocyte retrieval (TVOR) Infertility operations/assisted reproductive technologies Hysterectomy—vaginal, abdominal, laparoscopic or robotic Operations for pelvic organ prolapse: anterior and posterior colporrhaphy, enterocele repair, sacrospinous ligament vaginal vault suspension, uterosacral ligament vaginal vault suspension, sacrocolpopexy Operations for stress urinary incontinence 8.3 Obstetric Surgery Surgeons: M. Mark Taslimi, Yasser Y. El-Sayed Anesthesiologists: Brendan Carvalho, Lee Coleman Cesarean section—lower segment and classic Medical and surgical management of postpartum hemorrhage Repair of uterine rupture Postpartum tubal ligation Repair of vaginal/cervical lacerations Cervical cerclage—elective and emergent Removal of retained placenta Management of uterine inversion 8.4 Laparoscopic Procedures for Gynecologic Surgery Surgeons: Camran R. Nezhat, Jacqualin Miller, Amanda Stevens, Chandhana Paka, Elizabeth Buescher, M. Ali Parsa Anesthesiologist: Clifford A. Schmiesing Laparoscopic surgery for endometriosis Laparoscopic surgery for ectopic pregnancy or adnexal mass Laparoscopic myomectomy Laparoscopic hysterectomy Laparoscopic surgery for vaginal vault suspension 9.0 UROLOGY Surgeons: Harcharan S. Gill, Benjamin Chung Anesthesiologist: Ronald G. Pearl Diagnostic transurethral (endoscopic) procedures Therapeutic transurethral procedures (except TURP) Transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) Open prostate operations Nephrectomy Operations on the renal pelvis and upper ureter Cystectomy Open bladder operations (other than cystectomy) Inguinal operations Penile operations Scrotal operations Perineal operations Vaginal operations Special considerations for robotic-assisted laparoscopic procedures 10.0 ORTHOPEDIC SURGERY 10.1 Hand Surgery Surgeons: Vincent R. Hentz, Kimberley Wirsing Anesthesiologist: Lindsey Vokach-Brodsky Darrach procedure Dorsal stabilization and extensor synovectomy of the rheumatoid wrist Metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joint arthroplasty and arthrodesis Arthrodesis of the wrist Total wrist replacement Thumb carpometacarpal joint fusion/arthroplasty/stabilization Excision of ganglion of the wrist Palmar and digital fasciectomy Repair of lacerated tendons/nerves Wrist arthroscopy/repair of triangular fibrocartilage complex tears Carpal tunnel release Fixation of fractures and dislocations of the wrist and hand Digit and hand replantation 10.2 Shoulder/Arm Surgery Surgeons: Amy L. Ladd, Andrew C. Karich, Emilie V. Cheung Anesthesiologist: Lindsey Vokach-Brodsky Arthroscopic shoulder surgery Surgery for acromial impingement, rotator cuff tears, and acromioclavicular joint arthritis Surgery for shoulder instability Glenohumeral shoulder arthroplasty Shoulder girdle procedures Brachial plexus surgery Arm surgery 10.3 Spine Surgery Surgeons: Eugene J. Carragee, Ivan Cheng, Nima Salari Anesthesiologists: Adam P. Brown, C. Philip Larson, Jr. Minimally invasive posterior lumbar discectomy (microdiscectomy) Minimally invasive anterior lumbar interbody fusion through a transpsoas approach Spinal reconstruction and fusion—thoracic and thoracolumbar spine Spinal reconstruction and fusion—lumbosacral spine Spinal reconstruction and fusion—cervical spine 10.4 Hip, Pelvis, Upper Leg Surgery Surgeons: James I. Huddleston, Michael J. Bellino, Stuart B. Goodman Anesthesiologists: Frederick G. Mihm, Pedro P. Tanaka Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of pelvis or acetabulum Closed reduction and external fixation of the pelvis Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of acetabulum fractures Osteotomy and bone graft augmentation of the pelvis Arthrodesis of the sacroiliac joint Amputations about the hip and pelvis: disarticulation of the hip and hindquarter amputation Arthroplasty of the hip Arthrodesis of the hip Synovectomy of the hip Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of proximal femoral fractures (femoral neck, intertrochanteric, subtrochanteric fractures) Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of distal femur fractures Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of the femoral shaft with plate Intramedullary nailing of femoral shaft Repair of nonunion/malunion of proximal third of femur, proximal femoral osteotomy for osteoarthritis Closed reduction and external fixation of femur 10.5 Knee Surgery Surgeons: James I. Huddleston, John J. Csongradi, Stuart B. Goodman Anesthesiologists: Frederick G. Mihm, Pedro P. Tanaka Arthroplasty of the knee Arthrodesis of the knee Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of patellar fractures Repair or reconstruction of knee ligaments Patellar realignment Arthroscopy of the knee Knee arthrotomy Repair of tendons—knee and leg 10.6 Lower Leg, Ankle, Foot, and Other Lower-Extremity Procedures Surgeon: John J. Csongradi Anesthesiologists: Frederick G. Mihm, Pedro P. Tanaka Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of the tibial plateau fracture Intramedullary nailing, tibia External fixation, tibia Open reduction and internal fixation (ORIF) of distal tibia, ankle, and foot fractures Repair nonunion/malunion, tibia Arthroscopy of the ankle Ankle arthrotomy Ankle arthrodesis Repair/reconstruction of ankle ligaments Amputation through ankle (syme) Amputation, transmetatarsal Lengthening or transfer of tendons, ankle, and foot Amputation above the knee Amputation below the knee Fasciotomy of the thigh Fasciotomy of the leg Biopsy, leg and foot Biopsy or drainage of abscess/excision of tumor 11.0 PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 11.1 Facial Cosmetic Surgery Surgeons: Thomas S. Satterwhite, David M. Kahn Anesthesiologist: Vanila Singh Introduction to cosmetic facial surgery Facelift and necklift Browlift and blepharoplasty Rhinoplasty Facial laser resurfacing 11.2 Nonfacial Aesthetic Surgery Surgeons: Thomas S. Satterwhite, David M. Kahn, George W. Commons Anesthesiologists: Vanila Singh, Bruce D. Halperin Augmentation mammoplasty Reduction mammoplasty Mastopexy/breast lift Brachioplasty Abdominoplasty Body lifts Liposuction 11.3 Craniofacial Surgery Surgeon: Stephen A. Schendel Anesthesiologist: Richard A. Jaffe Repair of facial fractures Lefort osteotomies Mandibular osteotomies/genioplasty 11.4 Functional Restoration Surgeons: James Chang, David M. Kahn Anesthesiologist: Vanila Singh Microsurgery-free-flap reconstruction Microsurgery-replantation Breast surgery—introduction Breast reconstruction Chest wall reconstruction Pressure sore reconstruction 11.5 Burn Surgery Surgeon: Kenneth K. Yim Anesthesiologist: Melissa T. Berhow Free skin graft for burn wound (with tangential excision, excision to fascia, or debridement) 12.0 PEDIATRIC SURGERY 12.1 Pediatric Neurosurgery Surgeons: Michael Edwards, Sam Cheshier Anesthesiologists: Michael I. Chen, William W. Feaster Craniofacial surgery Closure of myelomeningocele Surgical correction of occult spinal dysraphism Craniotomy for vein of galen malformation Ventriculoscopy and third ventriculostomy Pediatric brain arteriovenous malformations (AVM) 12.2 Pediatric Ophthalmic Surgery Surgeons: D. M. Alcorn, Natalia F. Callaway, Darius M. Moshfeghi Anesthesiologist: Julie Williamson Strabismus surgery Pediatric vitreoretinal surgery 12.3 Pediatric Otolaryngology Surgeons: Anna H. Messner, Kevin Huoh Anesthesiologists: Sam Mireles, Ellen Wang, Gregory B. Hammer Myringotomy and tympanostomy tube placement Tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy Bronchoscopy/esophagoscopy Laryngoscopy, supraglottoplasty, excision of laryngeal lesions Removal of branchial cleft cyst or thyroglossal duct cyst Incision/drainage of deep neck abscess Laryngotracheal reconstruction, cricotracheal resection, laryngotracheoplasty Choanal atresia repair Pediatric tracheostomy 12.4 Pediatric Cardiovascular Surgery Surgeons: Katsuhide Maeda, V. Mohan Reddy, Frank L. Hanley Anesthesiologists: Claudia Benkwitz, Komal Kamra, M. Gail Boltz, Chandra Ramamoorthy Surgery for atrial septal defect (ostium secundum) Surgery for atrioventricular canal defect Surgery for ventricular septal defect Surgery for patent ductus arteriosus Surgery for coarctation of the aorta Surgery for tetralogy of fallot Surgery for total anomalous pulmonary venous connection Surgery for complete transposition of the great arteries Surgery for truncus arteriosus Surgery for tricuspid atresia Surgery for double-outlet right ventricle Surgery for hypoplastic left heart syndrome 12.5 Pediatric General Surgery Surgeons: James Wall, Craig Albanese Anesthesiologists: Rebecca E. Claure, Brenda Golianu, Gregory B. Hammer Resection of cystic hygroma, branchial cleft cyst, thyroglossal duct cyst, or other cervical mass Esophagus-foreign body removal and dilation Repair of tracheoesophageal fistula and esophageal atresia Mediastinal mass—biopsy or resection Neonatal lung resection Drainage of empyema Repair of pectus excavatum/carinatum Esophageal replacement, colon interposition Repair of congenital diaphragmatic hernia Pyloromyotomy for pyloric stenosis Abdominal tumor: resection of neuroblastoma, Wilms’ tumor, hepatic tumors Laparotomy for intestinal perforation, necrotizing enterocolitis Repair of biliary atresia and choledochal cysts Repair of abdominal wall defects: omphalocele/gastroschisis Pull-through for Hirschsprung’s disease Pull-through for imperforate anus, cloaca Repair of inguinal & umbilical hernias, hydrocele Surgery for the undescended testicle Resection of sacrococcygeal teratoma Anesthesia for minimally invasive surgery in pediatric patients Ex utero intrapartum treatment (EXIT) procedure Pediatric bariatric surgery 12.6 Pediatric Urology Surgeons: Philip Barbosa, Linda M. Dairiki Shortliffe Anesthesiologists: Imad M. Yamout, Anita Honkanen Kidney and upper urinary tract operations Transurethral procedures Open bladder operations Bladder augmentation Penile surgery Genital procedures (clitoroplasty, vaginoplasty, urethroplasty) Inguinoscrotal procedures Laparoscopic procedures Robotic-assisted procedures Stone procedures 12.7 Pediatric Orthopedic Surgery Surgeons: James G. Gamble, Amy L. Ladd Anesthesiologists: Genevieve D’Souza, Brenda Golianu, R. J. Ramamurthi Percutaneous pinning of displaced supracondylar humerus fracture Closed or open reduction of displaced lateral condyle humerus fracture Aspiration and injection of unicameral bone cyst Release for torticollis Pollicization of a finger Syndactyly repair Posterior spinal instrumentation and fusion Anterior spinal fusion for scoliosis Pelvic osteotomy Acetabular augmentation (shelf) & Chiari osteotomy Ober fasciotomy, Yount-Ober release Hip, open reduction & femoral shortening Adductor release or transfer, psoas release Pinning of slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) Flexible intramedullary nailing of long-bone fractures Proximal femoral osteotomy Epiphysiodesis Sofield procedure Limb lengthening Patellar realignment Tendon transfer, lengthening (posterior tibial) Triple arthrodesis and grice procedure (extra-articular subtalar arthrodesis) Surgical correction of clubfoot Surgery for epidermolysis bullosa 12.8 Surgery for Craniofacial Malformations Surgeon: Stephen A. Schendel Anesthesiologists: Nai Yi Sun, Mary Laughlin, Louise Furukawa Surgical correction of craniosynostosis Major secondary craniofacial surgical procedures Cleft lip repair—unilateral/B> Palatoplasty Pharyngoplasty Alveolar cleft repair with bone graft Secondary cleft lip/nasal surgery Otoplasty 12.9 Pediatric Transplantation Surgeons: Waldo Concepcion, Amy E. Gallo Anesthesiologists: Julianne Mendoza, Louise Furukawa, Gregory B. Hammer Pediatric renal transplantation Pediatric liver transplantation 13.0 OUT-OF-OPERATING ROOM PROCEDURES 13.1 Out-of-Operating Room Procedures—Adult Surgeons: Charles DeBattista, L. Bing Liem, Michael P. Marks, Stephen T. Kee, Daniel Y. Sze Anesthesiologists: John Brock-Utne, Richard A. Jaffe Anesthesia for out-of-operating room procedures Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) Interventional neuroradiology Direct current (DC) cardioversion Implantation of cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) or cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator (CRT-D) Extraction of pacemaker (PM) and implantable cardioverter-defibrillator (ICD) leads Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation Transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS) Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) Imaging and image-guided procedures Tracheobronchial stenting Radiofrequency ablation of tumors Irreversible electroporation (IRE ablation) 13.2 Out-of-Operating Room Procedures—Pediatric Procedural Specialists: Claudia Mueller, Bill Berquist, Sarah S. Donaldson, Anne M. Dubin, Jeffrey A. Feinstein, Gary E. Hartman, Susan Hiniker, Neyssa Marina, Stanton B. Perry, Kalyani R. Trivedi, Ann Ming Yeh Anesthesiologists: Komal Kamra, Rebecca E. Claure, Brenda Golianu, Manchula Navaratnam, Chandra Ramamoorthy, Kristin Sun, Claudia Benkwitz Pediatric radiation therapy Pediatric cardiac catheterization and electrophysiology Pediatric oncologic procedures Upper/lower GI endoscopy Cross-sectional imaging (CT, MRI) Surgical considerations for ECMO Anesthetic management for surgical procedures under ECMO 14.0 OFFICE-BASED ANESTHESIA Surgeons: David A. Berman, Vernon J. Adams, Jr., Azeem K. Lakha Anesthesiologist: Terri D. Homer Introduction—anesthesiologist’s perspective Facial rejuvenation: lasers and rf tissue tightening Office dental rehabilitation under deep iv sedation Dental implants and bone grafting 15.0 EMERGENCY PROCEDURES FOR THE ANESTHESIOLOGIST Anesthesiologists: Carlos Brun, Frederick G. Mihm Emergency cricothyrotomy Emergency pericardiocentesis Emergency ultrasound-guided pericardiocentesis Emergent needle/catheter thoracostomy Emergent ultrasound-guided needle/catheter thoracostomy Emergency intraosseous access APPENDICES Authors: Sandra Leigh Bardas, Alex J. Butwick, Sean Carlton, Ian Carroll, Brendan Carvalho, Rebecca E. Claure, Genevieve D’Souza, Stephen P. Fischer, Brenda Golianu, Julie Good, Anita Honkanen, Richard A. Jaffe, C. Philip Larson, Jr., Birgit Maas, Jordan L. Newmark, Einar Ottestad, Emily Ratner, Clifford A. Schmiesing, Jeannie Seybold, Steven L. Shafer, Nai Yi Sun A. Preoperative considerations B. S tandard adult anesthetic protocols C. S tandard perioperative pain management D. S tandard pediatric anesthetic management E. S tandard pediatric postoperative pain management F. Tables of drug interactions and recommendations for preop management G. S pecial considerations for latex allergy H. Perioperative acupuncture I. Management of the difficult airway J. Anticoagulation guidelines for neuraxial procedures K. Abbreviations
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