Wards Anaesthetic Equipment is the single most comprehensive text on anaesthesia and intensive care equipment, and remains the recommended text for Parts II, III and the Finals of the FRCA and FFARCSI exams.
This new edition has been completely updated and revised to ensure the close integration of the physical principles and clinical applications of equipment throughout the text. It is the only equipment textbook dealing extensively with UK equipment and practice. This is a complete and highly practical one-stop reference on the latest anesthetic and intensive care equipment - making it necessary reading for all trainees.
1. Physical principles 2. Basic physics and electrical safety 3. The supply of anaesthetic gases 4. Medical gas services 5. Measurement of gas flow and pressure 6. Vaporizers 7. The anaesthetic workstation 8. Breathing systems and their components 9. Airway management devices 10. Equipment for the inhalation of oxygen and of Entonox 11. Manual resuscitators 12. Automatic ventilators 13. Ventilation in the Intensive Care Unit 14. Humidifiers and nebulizers 15. Equipment for paediatric anaesthesia 16. Equipment for local anaesthesia 17. Physiological monitoring: principles and non-invasive monitoring 18. Physiological monitoring: gases 19. Physiological monitoring: advanced monitoring systems including: monitoring in the intensive care unit, Transesophageal echocardiography, Esophageal Doppler ultrasound, Cardiac output, EEG, Bispectral analysis, Haemodynamic, Thromboelastography 20. Atmospheric pollution 21. Infusion equipment and TIVA 22. Medical suction apparatus 23. Cleaning and sterilization 24. Computerised record keeping 25. Electrical hazards and their prevention 26. Surgical Diathermy 27. Defibrillators and pacemakers 28. Lasers 29. Provision of anaesthesia in difficult situations and in the developing world 30. Vigilance, human error, risk management and reporting faulty equipment Appendices
Appendix I Directory of manufacturers/websites Appendix II SI units and table of conversions Appendix III Standards Appendix IV Checklist for anaesthetic machines Index