This new edition has been revised throughout incorporating new developments in practice and arrival of new drugs, and reflects the changes and developments in intensive care as it has developed into a separate specialty.
Third edition 0 7506 2079 X 5447 copies sold since Jan 1996
Revisions to fourth edition include:: * Updated techniques and procedures * Latest equipment and review of technical features * Changes resulting from new European regulations * New focus on pain management and intensive care * Updated illustrations and new ones added
Anaesthesia - history and introduction; Applied anatomy and physiology in anaesthesia; Haematology and blood transfusion; Intravenous induction agents; Uptake and distribution of volatile and intravenous anaesthetic agents; Gases used in anaesthesia; Anaesthetic gas supply: the anaesthetic machine; Anaesthetic circuits or breathing systems; Vaporisers and inhalers; Volatile anaesthetic agents; Neuromuscular transmission and muscle relaxant drugs; Analgesics and anti-emetics; Autonomic pharmacology; Pre-anaesthetic assessment and premedication; Anaesthesia and intercurrent diseases; Anaesthesia and endocrine disease; Intravenous techniques: central venous pressure; Airway management in anaesthesia; Principles of ventilators; Monitoring during anaesthesia; Complications of anaesthesia: the recovery room; Interpretation of the ECG; Cardiopulmonary resuscitation; Anaesthesia for emergency surgery and trauma; Anaesthesia for ear, nose and throat surgery; Anaesthesia for eye surgery; Anaesthesia for dental and maxillofacial surgery; Hypotensive anaesthesia; Anaesthesia for plastic, microvascular and burn surgery; Anaesthesia for abdominal and gynaecological surgery; Anaesthesia for day surgery; Anaesthesia for patients with systemic disease - renal, hepatic and ischaemic; Anaesthesia for vascular surgery; Anaesthesia for thoracic surgery; Anaesthesia for open heart surgery; Anaesthesia for neurosurgery and neurology; General anaesthesia in neonates and children; Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia; Local analgesic drugs; Local analgesic blocks; Spinal and epidural analgesia; Postoperative analgesia; Treatment of chronic pain; Principles of intensive care and parenteral nutrition; Humidifiers; Sterilization of anaesthetic equipment; Pollution and electrical safety; Appendix.
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