The book has been drawn together by Nicholas Padfield, a leading advocate of ITVA, together with a team of experienced contributors to provide a comprehensive reference source. The scientific background is discussed before going on to the specific issues of TIVA including awareness. The specific types of anaesthesia are covered with discussions of the benefits and limitations of TIVA in each one. The information is supported by the latest research findings, to leave the reader feeling confident in their understanding and to be able to put the techniques into practice.
This book, with its clear and concise format, will be an invaluable purchase for all special registrars and consultant anaesthetists as well as operating department practitioners wishing to gain a depth of knowledge in the subject.
PART 1: GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS: Introduction, history and development (NL Padfield); Drugs and pharmacology (SJ Dolin); Drug interactions (SJ Dolin); Pharmacokinetics of infusions (F Engbers); Administration of intravenous anaesthesia/total intravenous anaesthesia (NL Padfield); PART 2: SPECIFIC ISSUES: Awareness and total intravenous anaesthesia (JG Jones & T Leary); Postoperative nausea, vomiting and recovery (JM Millar); PART 3: TYPES OF ANAESTHESIA: Day case surgery (WL Rowe); Cardiac surgery (JD Kneeshaw & R Mills); Thoracic surgery (R Feneck); Neurosurgery (CR Bailey & M Sinden); Maxillofacial, plastic and ear, nose and throat (ENT) surgery (NL Padfield); Anaesthesia for the elderly (J Peacock); Sedation for regional anaesthesia (NL Padfield); Endocrine surgery (NL Padfield): Ophthalmic surgery (N Sutcliffe); Future developments (SE Milne & GNC Kenny)
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