When it comes to managing the care of a patient receiving conscious sedation/analgesia during a short-term therapeutic, diagnostic, or surgical procedure, this easy-to-follow book is an ideal clinical reference. It covers everything you need to know - from practice guidelines for administering sedation, to pre-sedation requirements, intra-procedure monitoring and documentation, and discharge criteria. Detailed sections discuss the basic concepts of medications, administration techniques, potential complications and emergencies, monitoring parameters, developing a credentialing program, legal implications, and patient discharge, as well as separate chapters on pediatric and geriatric sedation. The book also provides practical learning tools such as sample documentation forms, learner feedback, and questions and answer sections.
Presedation Assessment, Monitoring Parameters and Equipment
Management of Complications
Patient Discharge
Institution Policy and Guideline Development: Standard of Care
Competence in Patient Management
Pediatric Sedation
Geriatric Sedation
Sedation in the Mechanically Ventilated Patient
Risk Management/Legal Issues
A. ASA Standards for Basic Anesthetic Monitoring
B. State Boards of Nursing positions on Moderate Sedation and Administration of Anesthetic Agents
C. Position Statement on the Role of the RN in the Management of Patients Receiving IV Moderate Sedation for Short-Term Therapeutic, Diagnostic, or Surgical Procedures
D. ASA Practice Guidelines for Sedation and Analgesia by Non-Anesthesiologists
E. American Association of Nurse Anesthetists Position Statement: Qualified Providers of Sedation and Analgesia; Considerations for Policy Guidelines for Registered Nurses Engaged in the Administration of Sedation and Analgesia
F. AORN Recommended Practices for Managing the Patient Receiving Moderate Sedation/Analgesia
G. Pediatric Sedation Standards 2002-2004
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