Truly international, this extensive text combines the efforts of eight laboratories from seven countries in investigating the study of problems of manipulation, orienting, and navigating in humans and animals. The novel, multidisciplinary approach places the study of multisensory control of movement in a three-dimensional frame, with reference to computer models and neuronal mechanisms. Of interest to researchers, clinicians, and advanced students in neuroscience, psychology, andneurology, the text also has important implications for researchers in biomedical engineering and robotics.
Neuronal control of eye movements; Representation of eye position in three dimensions; Three-dimensional anisotrophy of vestibulo-ocular reflex in rhesus monkeys; Otolith contribution to gaze stabilization; Role of the accessory optic system for sensorimotor integration. The problem of reference frames; Role of the pretectum and accessory optic system in pursuit eye movements of the money; Convergence of sensory inputs on cortical area MSTI during smooth pursuit; Orienting gaze:: a brief survey; Behavioural aspects of cats saccades; Saccade-VOR interaction in orienting gaze; Parallel architectures of the basal ganglia - collicular relationships; Control of gaze by tectal and reticular projection neurones; Feedback in collicular control of eye and head movements; Models of the gaze orienting systems:: a brief survey; A neural network model for supracollicular transformations; Experimental test of two models for the role of monkey superior colliculus in 3D saccade generation; The dynamic memory model and the control of fast orienting movements; A new eye-head co-ordination model based on gaze velocity feedback to the superior colliculus; Muscle activation patterns and joint-angle co-ordination in multijoint movements; Planning and control of limb impendance; Feedback and feedforward mechanisms for the control of multijointed limbs; Frames of reference used in goal-directed arm movement; The role of vision in tuning anticipatory motor responses of the limbs; Issues in perceptuo-motor co-ordination; Vestibular contributions during navigations; Vestibular compensation and its consequences for spatial orientation; Neural processing of stereopsis as a function of viewing distance; Application of the coherence scheme to the multisensory fusion problem; Index;
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