Jedyny atlas na świecie stworzony w XXI wieku Kolekcja 3 tomów:: Anatomia ogólna i system mięśniowo - szkieletowy, Szyja i organy wewnętrzne, Głowa i system nerwowy The PROMETHEUS Atlas of Anatomy integrates anatomy and clinical concepts Organized intuitively, with self-contained guides to specific topics on every two-page spread Hundreds of clinical applications integrated into the anatomical descriptions, emphasizing the vital link between anatomical structure and function Beautifully illustrated with expertly rendered digital watercolors, cross-sections, x-rays, and CT and MRI scans Clearly labeled images help you easily identify each structure Summary tables throughout – ideal for rapid review Package of 3 volumes:: Head and Neuroanatomy Neck and Internal Organs ,General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System