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Doing Right
A Practical Guide to Ethics for Medical Trainees and Physicians
Wybierz Paczkomat Inpost, Orlen Paczkę, DPD, Pocztę, email (dla ebooków). Kliknij po więcej
Zapłać szybkim przelewem, kartą płatniczą lub za pobraniem. Kliknij po więcej szczegółów
Jeżeli jesteś konsumentem możesz zwrócić towar w ciągu 14 dni*. Kliknij po więcej szczegółów
A case-based approach that provides the advice and skills medical practitioners need to help patients and overcome ethical challengesNow in its fourth edition, Doing Right offers healthcare trainees and practitioners alike a comprehensive, user-friendly guide to contemporary biomedical ethics. Taking an applied case-based approach, this engaging text explores complex ethical issues through real-life scenarios, making it relatable to all types of healthcare professionals.
Szczegóły produktu
- Rok wydania
- 2019
- Numer wydania
- 4
- Oprawa
- miękka foliowana
- Liczba stron
- 440
- Waga (g)
- 516
- Cases; Preface; Acknowledgments; 1. Ethics Matters; I. Great Expectations: Healthcare Professionals and Ethics; II. Four Ethical Principles and Questions; II. The Principles and Ethical Reasoning in Medicine; IV. Beyond Principles; V. The Hidden Curriculum; VI. Overcoming Obstacles to Ethics; 2. Broadening the Horizon: What Law and Ethics Say; I. What the Law Says; II. What Ethics Says: Virtue, Rules, and Consequences in Medicine; III. Expanding the Horizons of Ethics; IV. Professional Ethics; 3. Managing Medical Morality; I. Managing Ethical Dilemmas; II. Really Hard Choices Are Not Always About Ethics; III. Doing Right: A Process For Managing Ethical Choice; IV. The Ethics Process in a Little More Detail; V. Applying the Ethics Process; 4. The Times Are Changing: Autonomy and Patient-Based Care; I. The Autonomy Principle; II. Autonomy as the Patients Preference; III. The Case of Ms. Malette and Dr. Shulman; IV. Choices: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly; 5. Reasonable Persons: The Legal Roots of Informed Consent; I. Medical Consent; II. Informed Consent: A Brief Legal History; III. Informed Consent: The Canadian Context; IV. The Significance of Reibl v. Hughes: The Modified Objective Standard; 6. Informed Choice and Truthtelling: The Centrality of Truth and Trust; I. Disclosure and Truthtelling; II. The Elements of Informed Choice; III. Consent as Trust; IV. Other Special Circumstances; V. Special Circumstances and Limits on Truthtelling; 7. Keeping Secrets: Confidentiality and Privacy in the Electronic Age; I. Confidentiality and Privacy; II. Privacy, Confidentiality, and Trust; III. New Risks to Privacy; IV. Limits to Confidentiality; V. To Warn and to Protect; 8. The Waning and Waxing Self: Capacity and Incapacity in Medical Care; I. Incapacity and its Discontents; II. Assessing Capacity; III. Capacity and Consent; IV. Treating and Protecting the Vulnerable; V. Substitute and Assisted Decision-Making; VI. Mental Illness and the Right to Refuse; VII. Childrens Right to Refuse; 9. Helping and Not Harming: Beneficence and Non-Maleficence; I. The Principles of Beneficence and Nonmaleficence; II. A Duty to Attend?; III. Risks to the Professional; IV. Endangering Ones Self; V. Parental Refusals of Treatment; VI. Parental Requests for Treatment; 10. Conduct Becoming: Medical Professionalism; I. Maintaining the Connection; II. A New Professionalism; III. Conflicts of Interest; IV. Professionals and Industry; V. Boundaries Large and Small; VI. Fitness to Practise Medicine; 11. The End of Forgetting: Ethical and Professional Issues with Social Media; I. Friends, Boundaries, and Privacy in the Age of Social Media; II. The Personal and the Private; III. Patients Using Social Media; IV. Photographs and Patient Privacy; V. Internet Etiquette and Telling Others Stories; 12. The Error of Our Ways: Managing Medical Error; I. Medical Error; II. Error and Being Responsive to Patients; III. How to Disclose Error; IV. Apologies; V. Large-Scale Adverse Events; 13. Beyond the Patient: Doing Justice to Justice; I. Justice in Everyday Medicine; II. A System of Mmutual Recognition; III. Distributive Justice; IV. Squeezing the Balloon; V. Guidelines and Rationing; VI. Justice for All?; 14. Labour Pains: Ethics and New Life; I. Birthing and Reproductive Choice; II. Termination and Choice; III. The New Age of Reproduction; IV. Desperately Seeking Stem Cells; 15. A Dark Wood: End-of-Life Decisions; I. Allowing Death: Refusals by Patients; II. Competent Cecisions, Living Wills, and Advance Directives; III. Decisions to Withhold or Withdraw Life-Sustaining Treatment; IV. Persistent Vegetative States and Prognostic Error; V. Unilateral Decisions Regarding Life-Sustaining Treatment; VI. Palliative Sedation; 16. Medical Assistance in Dying: The Triumph of Autonomy; I. Assisted Death: Terminology and Other Jurisdictions; II. Medically-Assisted Death in Canada: A Brief History; III. Legislating Medical Assistance in Dying: Bill C-14; IV. MAID: Minors, Advance Requests, and Mental Illness; V. MAID and Issues of Conscience; 17. Nature and Culture: Of Genes and Memes; I. All in the Genome?; II. Cultural Connections; III. Worlds Apart?; IV. Culture and Defying Death; V. Transcending Culture; 18. The Ethical Regulation of Research; I. Medicines Legacy; II. The Purpose of Research; III. Consent for Research; IV. The Tissue Issue; V. Some Questions and Answers Regarding Research; Conclusion: Setting our Sights; References; Index;
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