This popular resource, edited by two well-known educators and practitioners, provides comprehensive; research based coverage of the theoretical and practical knowledge needed for childbirth education. Both Francine Nichols and Sharron Humenick have served as Editors of the Journal of Perinatal Education
Section I: Childbirth Education. Why Childbirth Education? Historical Development. Section II: Expectant Parents. Pregnancy Experience. Sexuality. Childbirth Experience. Transition to Parenthood. Breastfeeding Experience. Cultural Perspectives. Section III: Supportive Strategies for Childbirth. Comfort and Pain Management. Relaxation. Biofeedback. Touch/Massage. Imagery. Music. Breathing. Water Therapy. Acupressure/Acupuncture. First Stage Labor. Second Stage Labor. Alternative Health Strategies. The Unexpected Childbirth Experience. Medications/Anesthesia. Section Iv: Promoting Wellness. Nutrition. Exercise. Support Systems. Stress Management. Section V: The Classroom Experience. Teaching/Learning Principles. Group Process. The Content. Program Evaluation. Teaching Teens. Consumer-Provider Relationships. Conflict Resolution. Section VI: Professional Practice. Setting Up Private Practice. The Perinatal Education Coordinator. Research Utilization. APPENDICES A: Effective Care in Pregnancy and Childbirth: Findings From Research. B: Maternal-Child Health Organizations. C: Teaching Materials Resources. D: World Wide Web Resources.
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