Concepts in Bioinformatics and Genomics takes a conceptual approach to its subject, balancing biology, mathematics, and programming while highlighting relevant real-world applications and providing students with the tools to compute and analyze biological data. It presents many thought-provoking exercises to stretch students imaginations, giving them a deeper understanding of the molecular biology, basic probability, software programs, and program-coding methodologyunderpinning this exciting field.
Preface; About the Author; Review of Molecular Biology; Information organization and sequence databases; Molecular Evolution; Substitution matrices; Pairwise sequence alignment; Basic Local Alignment Sequence Tool and Multiple Sequence Alignment; Protein structure prediction; Phylogenetics; Genomics; Transcript and protein expression analysis; Basic probability; Advanced probability for bioinformatics applications; Programming basics and applications to bioinformatics; Developing a bioinformatics tool; Glossary; Index;
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