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Principles of Social Research
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Praised for its clarity and breadth, this popular book has been thoroughly updated and now includes::
- Extended further reading
- More indepth chapters reflecting the most current topics in the field of social research
- Expanded material on the use of secondary sources
- More coverage on the usage of studies within larger public health programmes, including mixed methods and integration of data
- Increased number of international examples and updated case studies
Understanding Public Health is an innovative series published by Open University Press in collaboration with the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.
Series Editors:: Rosalind Plowman and Nicki Thorogood.
Contributors:: Sarah Bernays, John Browne, Tracey Chantler, Mary Alison Durand, Martin Gorsky, Andy Guise, Judith Green, Tim Rhodes and Sarah Smith.
Public health is basically shaped and determined by human actions. The editors and contributors to this book provide clear, authoritative guidance to those who will use social research to understand human actions and promote public health. The book is very evidently grounded in the expertise of authors both as teachers as well as researchers.
Ray Fitzpatrick, Professor of Public Health and Primary Care, University of Oxford, UK
- Rok wydania
- 2014
- Numer wydania
- 2
- Oprawa
- miękka foliowana
- Liczba stron
- 200
- Wymiary (mm)
- 67 x 94
- Waga (g)
- 1
- List of authors
Overview of the bookSection 1: Planning your social science research
Second edition revised and updated by Mary Alison Durand
1 Introduction to social research
2 Science and social science
3 Framing a research question
4 Research designSection 2: Qualitative methods of data collection and analysis
Second edition revised and updated by Tracey Chantler
5 Introduction to qualitative research methods
6 Qualitative interviewing
7 Focus groups and other group methods
8 Analysing qualitative data
9 Practical: using qualitative methodsSection 3: Measurement and quantitative methods
Second edition revised and updated by Sarah Smith10 Measurement in the social sciences
11 Questionnaire design
12 Using surveys in cross- sectional research designs
13 Practical: Designing a questionnaireSection 4: Issues in social research List of authors
Overview of the bookSection 1: Planning your social science research
Second edition revised and updated by Mary Alison Durand
1 Introduction to social research
2 Science and social science
3 Framing a research question
4 Research designSection 2: Qualitative methods of data collection and analysis
Second edition revised and updated by Tracey Chantler
5 Introduction to qualitative research methods
6 Qualitative interviewing
7 Focus groups and other group methods
8 Analysing qualitative data
9 Practical: using qualitative methods
Section 3: Measurement and quantitative methodsSecond edition revised and updated by Sarah Smith10 Measurement in the social sciences
11 Questionnaire design
12 Using surveys in cross- sectional research designs
13 Practical: Designing a questionnaireSection 4: Issues in social research
14 Principles of research ethics in practice
15 Documentary approaches
16 Mixed method and multidisciplinary approachesGlossary
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